What's Going On Between Pop Singer
Justin Bieber And His Manager's Protégé Carly Rae Jepsen
September 26. 2012

Carly Rae Jepsen
I've been hearing about something romantic brewing between 18-year-old
pop star Justin Bieber and his opening act, Carly Rae Jepsen, 25. This is
an item of note (well, not really, but since I know I figured I'd throw it
out there and hope the brown stuff hits the fan) because Bieber has a
girlfriend, Disney actress, Selena Gomez, 20.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
It's no secret that many teenage girls are after Bieber, whose hair is
prettier than theirs. It is also no secret he is quite the flirt. However,
sometimes he is serious. I've been told something transpired between Bieber
and Jepsen. Oh the perils of dating a famous manchild. Too
many women chasing them and sometimes they give into temptation, which is
not right. Over to you Selena.
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