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U.S. President Joe Biden On Vacation Again As War Rages In Gaza

October 24. 2023

Joe Biden and Jill Biden relaxing while the conflict in Gaza rages. This is a habit with them (President Joe Biden Slammed For Falling Asleep During Memorial Event For The Victims Of Maui Wildfires (Video)) and President Joe Biden Finally Consents To Visit Maui After Terrible Wildfires Killed Hundreds Of Citizens And Burned Many Homes To The Ground (Video)).

Ailing U.S. President Joe Biden has gone on vacation more than any other head of state in American history. Biden is constantly on vacation, as he is a dementia stricken figurehead for former President, Barack Obama, and cannot keep up with the bare minimum of being in office. Biden is constantly falling and recently he walked into a flagpole in front of the press. Biden's wife, First Lady Jill Biden, is constantly called upon to assist him in public, due to his chronic falls and stumbles.

Biden is currently on vacation again with his wife, while the war in Gaza rages. Biden went to the Middle East last week and made a complete mess with gaffes, flubs and insults that did not help the situation or America's position in the world. Biden needs to be removed under the 25th amendment. He is incapable of being President. Sadly, it is going to take forthcoming catastrophes and absolute disasters for Congress to accept this fact, which most Americans and billions worldwide already see and know.

Hamas launched a deadly terrorist attack on Israel over land disputes and the deaths of people in Palestine. Israel responded to the terrorist attacks with deadly missile strikes that have killed a disproportionate number of Palestinian people, including many children. Palestinians have accused Israel of encroaching on their land and violating United Nations agreements in building settlements (apartment buildings and houses) in areas that were supposed to remain clear. Palestine has also accused Israel of stealing their land and homes, while throwing their people out of properties they built, as seen in many videos online.

The ideal solution at this time would be a ceasefire, then diplomacy to work out this dreadful conflict. A two state solution would work best, but both parties must adhere to the guidelines. As seen in the past, Israeli Prime Minister and convicted fraudster, Benjamin Netanyahu, is not willing to abide by agreements. How can Israel go forward with Netanyahu as head of state. He needs to be replaced. On the other side, Hamas cannot continue to wage war, as it is getting Palestinians killed. They need to disband.

I am not in favor of the deaths on either side (Palestine or Israel). I'm seeing so many videos of dead Palestinian and Israeli children. It is horrible to see. It is terrible and making me cry. All this loss of life and for what?

It's a shame the United Nations is so ineffective and useless. If the world had a true human rights body, so many conflicts would have been prevented and many lives spared death, suffering and pain.

At the end of the day we are all human beings. The Palestinians and the Israelis deserve a good quality of life, which includes peace, security, housing, food and clean water. All this destruction, regarding the fighting on both sides, will not help either nation reach this goal. Something peaceful has to be worked out. This cannot continue.


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Published: 16:07 EDT, 20 October 2023 | Updated: 21:00 EDT, 20 October 2023 - President Joe Biden plans to escape Washington for the weekend and head to his Rehoboth Beach, Delaware home as the crisis continues in the Middle East and chaos over House speakership has left Congress unable to help.

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