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Underage White Supremacist And Two Other Accomplices Arrested For Making Death Threat Against Prince Harry For Marrying Black Woman Meghan Markle

December 6. 2018

Harry and Meghan the Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Police in Britain have arrested three males, including an underage 17-year-old minor, for making a death threat against Prince Harry, also known as the Duke of Sussex. The far-Right, Neo-Nazi group who call themselves Sonnenkrieg Division, are angry with Prince Harry for marrying a black woman, mixed race American actress, Meghan Markle, who now has the title the Duchess of Sussex. Markle is pregnant with Harry’s child.

Police label it, “A far-Right plot that suggested Prince Harry should be shot.” Information regarding the arrests suggests the three white males were preparing for an act of terrorism and have been disseminating literature encouraging the public to engage in acts of violence against minorities and police. In fact, the group have been encouraging the public to rape police, which is very unethical and disgraceful. Do not follow their example or engage in said illegal behavior against police or anyone else.

The racist group labeled Prince Harry a “race traitor” for marrying and impregnating Markle. The London Evening Standard reports the far-Right group also, “Posted an image of a woman hanging from a noose with a message that white females who date non-whites should be killed.”

There is a lot of race mixing in Britain. Racist groups such as Sonnenkrieg Division are offended by it (too bad). They are of the belief only white Anglo-Saxons should live in Britain. They want all people of color deported. Never mind people of color greatly helped to build up Britain.

They also claim ties with U.S. neo-Nazi groups. Far-Right groups have been trying to spread their influence via social networking. They are very pro-Brexit (Britain’s departure from the European Union) and go around making vitriolic posts, attacking people on social networking for being kind to immigrants or being in favor of Britain remaining in the European Union.

I had one such racist attempt to troll me on social networking and I slammed the person. This foul individual even tried to erase my heritage because I am a black woman with British Anglo-Saxon blood in me (one of my ancestors is a famous man in British history). I have thousands of English ancestors going back centuries in British history and because I am black and advocate for racial equality, the racist troll on Twitter got upset by it. Much like they’ve taken offense at Prince Harry marrying a black woman.

At the end of the day it’s no one’s business who another person marries. If you are not one of the parties in the relationship, do society a favor and butt out. I don’t know why some get so angry and obsessed regarding other people’s relationships, especially interracial unions. It’s not a big deal. Let it go. You’re not sleeping with the person. It's not your spouse. So mind your business. Pay attention to your own relationship.


Neo-Nazi terror probe: Police arrest three including London teen over 'far-Right plot that suggested Prince Harry should be shot'

13 hours ago - A 17-year-old Londoner was arrested today over a suspected far-Right plot by a neo-Nazi group that has branded Prince Harry a “race traitor” who should be shot. The London teenager was one of three people held as part of a police probe that is understood to be targeting alleged activity by a Neo-Nazi group called Sonnenkrieg Division.

As well as smearing Prince Harry for marrying someone of mixed race, the group has also expressed admiration for the far-Right mass murderer Anders Breivik. It also posted an image of a woman hanging from a noose with a message that white females who date non-whites should be killed. Messages uncovered during an earlier media investigation into the group revealed it to have links with far-Right US extremists...



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