Torture At Guantanamo
May 20. 2009

A terrorist suspect, who was later released, after the U.S.
government withdrew their allegations against him, has spoken
out about his terrifying ordeal. Binyam Mohamed, told the Daily Mail in London, he was
tortured in Morocco, by the British government, at the U.S.
government's request. The CIA sought to extract information from
him, believing he was apart of Al Qaeda.
He stated he endured forms of torture by the government, such as his
genitals being cut with a scalpel. While, I do not sympathize with terrorists or any other kinds
of criminals in their misconduct, I am a Christian and do not
believe in treating people inhumanely. I do not agree with rendition and torture. I am also
concerned that innocent people are still being falsely accused
of crimes they did not commit and facing horrible physical
injury, in bids at extracting information they do not possess.
The immeasurable pain these people must have gone through.

Binyam Mohamed
Frankly, I do not think it is right to torture criminals
either. It is inhumane and screams barbarism. I had hoped
society had progressed to the point, that our governments were
capable of using intelligent, humane forms of interrogation. The question is, why are some governments still nabbing
people off the streets of the world, without real evidence they
have committed any wrongdoing, then torturing them for months,
only to come to the conclusion, they have kidnapped an innocent
This has happened many times, where innocent individuals were
put through horrific pain, only for the government to realize
they seized the wrong person. Why are you not honoring the Geneva Conventions you are
legally obligated to observe. To the government members engaging
in this conduct, what if it happened to one of your adult
children. You wouldn't like it. Therefore, why are you doing
this to other people's adult children.
How can it be right that Western governments' methods are as
gruesome as the terrorists' when they harm innocent people. I
thought the point was to rise above that. Whatever happened to arresting criminals and detaining them
in a barebones, secure prison.
MI5 'used Muslim 007' to turn
British torture victim in Moroccan prison
Last updated at 10:35 PM on 16th
May 2009 - British security agents sent an undercover mole
dubbed the ‘Muslim 007’ to convince Al Qaeda suspect Binyam
Mohamed to turn informant if he wanted his torture to end, it
was claimed last night. The new allegations suggest
Britain’s involvement in the ‘medieval’ treatment of the former
Guantanamo Bay prisoner goes much deeper than previously
Ministers and MI5 have insisted
they had no idea that Mohamed was the subject of an
‘extraordinary rendition’ to Morocco, nor that he was tortured
there on the orders of the CIA. However, last night Mohamed told
how the mole, known only as Informant A, tried to persuade him
that giving intelligence to the British would end his ordeal –
suggesting MI5 agents were complicit in his treatment.
Mohamed said that his torturers
brought the mole, a UK citizen of Moroccan descent, to see him
in early September 2002, nearly two months after he arrived in
Morocco, where he had been subjected to horrific abuse,
including the cutting of his genitals with a scalpel...
After his release from Guantanamo
earlier this year, Mohamed told The Mail on Sunday he was
interrogated by MI5 in Pakistan after being beaten and hung
by his wrists. Later he suffered ‘medieval’ tortures in
Morocco. The Americans were convinced he was
planning to build a ‘dirty’ radioactive bomb and detonate
it in New York – an allegation that has now been abandoned.
The British Government is currently
fighting a legal battle to keep secret a summary of CIA
documents that describe Mohamed’s treatment. On Friday, Foreign Secretary David
Miliband signed a new demand for a gagging order, arguing
that publication of the High Court judges’ summary would cause
irreparable harm to Britain’s relationship with America.