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The Taliban Holding Thousands Hostage In Afghanistan After President Joe Biden Messed Up Evacuations

September 6. 2021

Joe Biden

Things are going from bad to worse in Afghanistan, after U.S. President Joe Biden botched America's exit from the war torn country. The deadly terrorist group, the Taliban, were able to takeover the country. The Taliban have no higher education or experience in government. They do not know how to run a government, which spells bad news for Afghanistan.

Last week the Taliban stopped 4 planes from leaving Afghanistan. As was predicted, the thousands of Americans and other foreigners from the west who are now left behind in Afghanistan due to Biden's screw up, are now essentially hostages.

I've never seen a U.S. president mess up like this before. It is unprecedented. This is what happens when a political party puts forward a dementia plagued man for the highest job in the land. It has been one disaster after another in America with Biden at the helm of the country. He has mishandled the coronavirus and the economy. Now Afghanistan, which is being labeled a worse mess than the U.S. government's involvement in Vietnam. He should not have been president. Now many are paying the price for it.


Taliban stop planes of evacuees from leaving but unclear why

Sun, September 5, 2021, 10:28 AM - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — At least four planes chartered to evacuate several hundred people seeking to escape the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan have been unable to leave the country for days, officials said Sunday, with conflicting accounts emerging about why the flights weren't able to take off as pressure ramps up on the United States to help those left behind to flee.

An Afghan official at the airport in the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif said that the would-be passengers were Afghans, many of whom did not have passports or visas, and thus were unable to leave the country. He said they had left the airport while the situation was sorted out.

The top Republican on the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, however, said that the group included Americans and they were sitting on the planes, but the Taliban were not letting them take off, effectively “holding them hostage." He did not say where that information came from. It was not immediately possible to reconcile the accounts...



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