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The 'Leave Our Kids Alone' Movement Has Gone Worldwide Due To LGBTQ Members Insistence On Having Access To People's Children Against Their Wishes

June 21. 2023


President Joe Biden and a transgender woman at the White House who went topless in the presence of children in acts that were widely slammed on social networking as sick

People have been protesting all over the world regarding the LGBTQ community, particularly the transgender demographic, trying to force their will regarding other people's children. Protests have erupted all over the world by the "Leave Our Kids Alone" and "Leave The Kids Alone" movement in an effort to protect children from the sexualization and indoctrination being pushed by pedophiles. Transgenderism is classified as a mental illness and within it exists a sick fixation on children, which parents find alarming.

Transgender stripper at party where kids are being taught to put money in his g-string is disgraceful

We see it in the highly inappropriate and abnormal behavior of transgender individuals in the public eye, who have committed mass shootings that targeted straight women, men and worst of all children. We see it at Pride parades where children are being exposed to graphic sexual content.

Transgender woman (born a man) raped her mother

We see it at the White House, where a transgender woman (born a male and underwent surgery to change his sex) went topless in the presence of children at the people's house (this infuriated many people). We see it regarding transgender people demanding access to people's children at schools and libraries in conduct that is sick, as so many have shown up wearing skimpy clothes with their buttocks and sometimes penis or scrotum (genitals) exposed.

There is a sick attempt by some to mainstream pedophilia and it must be stopped. The new term for pedophiles is "minor attracted person" or "maps" which is all sick.

Straight people don't even allow other straight people access to their children. Why are you, the LGBTQ community, trying to force this on straight parents in demanding their children. It screams pedophilia. Why are you protesting against parents who have been stating "leave our kids alone" and "leave the kids alone." Only pedophiles would be demanding access to other people's children and getting upset when parents stand up and say no. Demanding access to people's children is not a human right. It is a pedophilic privilege some are of the erroneous believe they possess.

Kids are being exposed to practically naked transgender drag queens

To use reverse psychology in trying to state people who want to protect their children from sexualization and pedophilia are "homophobic" is devious, deceitful, defamatory and psychological blackmail. People have the right to raise their children as they wish. You do not have the right to demand access to people's children. You are going to go too far with this behavior and it will be a component of a civil war. I do not agree with violence, but when you have segments of the population hell-bent on forcing their will on other people's children, the public will react badly.


Target has lost billions of dollars under a backlash regarding the store selling clothes promoting transgenderism in children, encouraging little boys to tuck their penis, which creates psychological harm (and can create physical harm).

Former President, Barack Obama, and his figurehead, President Joe Biden, are responsible for mainstreaming this madness. They have been repeatedly warned America is headed for a civil war and it is squarely due to the madness coming out of the Obama/Biden administration (Historians Advise Joe Biden America Is Headed For Civil War Confirming Previous Site Claims).


Protests have erupted all over the world regarding a pushback against children being exposed to sexualization and transgenderism in schools

Despite the prospect of a civil war, Biden and Obama continue to terrorize and harass the public with their "new world order" and "liberal world order" agenda, which involves deliberately decimating society, then rebuilding it into what they want, which is insanity (Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About (Videos)).

Pride event shows boy grimacing at naked man's genitals (photo redacted by the Judiciary Report)

Pride event featuring sadomasochism, which is highly inappropriate


Pride event was lewd and explicit even in the presence of children in acts condemned on social networking

The Obama/Biden agenda is promoting division in America via inflation, racial tensions, transgenderism, pedophilia and war, which is being forced on the public. The constitutional right to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, free expression and the ability to choose, are being stripped away by the Biden administration, with Obama forcing this agenda to gain totalitarian control over a once democratic country.


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