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The Desperation To Silence Democracy (Wikileaks)

December 7. 2010

Barack Obama

The Obama Administration has gone to extraordinary lengths to shutdown the Wikileaks websites, for leaking classified documents showing egregious crimes are being committed. They have placed political pressure on a wide variety of nations and major companies, issued threats and engaged in underhanded, unlawful conduct to damage the Wikileaks operation, which is still afloat. The government even resorted to repeatedly hacking Wikileaks in attempts at shutting it down, which is pathetic.

Julian Assange

This is all being orchestrated from Washington, where they are supposed to set an example for the rest of the nation and the world, regarding democracy, truth, free speech and free press. Instead, what we have been given is lessons in illegality, strong-arming, bullying, corruption and frame ups. They have proven Wikileaks correct in labeling the government corrupt. They are also hypocritical in attempting to silence Wikileaks for unveiling the truth, which has resulted in no loss of life, whilst proclaiming to the world everyone should have rights to free speech, free press and justice.    


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