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The CIA Wants WikiLeaks Founder Dead

The Pentagon Demanding Wikileaks Files Back And Copies Destroyed

August 9. 2010


The U.S. Pentagon is attempting to put the toothpaste back into the tube, demanding website, WikiLeaks, return classified documents they've published to the internet and remove said files from their site. It's a little late for that, as millions of people have downloaded and viewed the files. Therefore, removing the files from the the WikiLeaks site, will not make a difference.

Julian Assange

Wikileaks is sitting on additional files they seek to publish, with the U.S. government opposing the forthcoming move. Rumors are rife in the international community that the U.S. government has placed a bounty on the head of WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange (*looks at the CIA*). He has every right to be concerned for his safety. 


Pentagon tells WikiLeaks: "Do right thing"

Security Violation?: US Troops Told They Can't Access WikiLeaks Website

Swedish Web hosting firm confirms WikiLeaks link



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