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Teyana Taylor And Iman Shumpert Embarrassed At Report Of Threesome Resulting In Pregnancy Of Porn Star

January 21. 2019

Iman Shumpert and Teyana Taylor

R&B singer Teyana Taylor and her husband, basketball player Iman Shumpert, are in the middle of a messy scandal that has people on social networking shaking their heads. The couple have been married for a short while and have a toddler, Junie. Subscribing to the foolishness a number of high profile couples in Hollywood have tried to foist on the public in recent years, as acceptable conduct, when it is disloyal, dangerous and unethical, Teyana and Iman have been defiling their marriage bed by having threesomes (three people having sex at once).

Teyana even wrote a song about it called “3Way.” The couple also did an interview on the radio show “The Breakfast Club” bragging about said sexual lifestyle. Reports indicate Teyana and Iman have been risking their sexual health and lives having sex with a porn star, Alby Ryder. Well, photos have surfaced with the claim that Iman knocked up, Alby, who has given birth to a daughter, Azariah. Now that the story has gone public, Teyana tried to deny it. However, when that did not work, as the public is not buying it, Teyana deactivated her Instagram account. If the story was a lie she would not have deactivated her Instagram account.

Hollywood likes to promote open relationships and marriages, in trying to look cool and edgy to audiences, who they set a terrible example for in life. What they don’t tell you is open relationships have ruined many lives and left people heartbroken and scarred. An open relationship is the definition of foolish. That’s like admitting defeat in your relationship. What kind of relationship is that where you are accepting cheating as a normal thing, when it is abnormal and wrong.

Women today have been brainwashed by foolish celebrities into thinking this is the way to live and causing themselves a horrendous amount of emotional pain in the process. They also call it “sharing.” No, it’s called cheating. Sharing is not faithfulness. Just because you are present does not change the fact your significant other is having sex with another person, which disrespects you and your whole relationship. That’s taking you for a fool.

Alby Ryder's Instagram features photo of baby and Shumpert commented on the photo

Some women are so desperate to keep a man they are offering to do threesomes. It creates all sorts of emotional hang-ups, confusion and mental distress. They permit threesomes in the relationship then end up surprised and distraught when the man cheats on them. Then some women insanely start ranting at the cheating partner “you’re supposed to share” not have sex with the person behind their back. How stupid (see Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher).

Evelyn Lozada also did something similar in telling then-husband Chad Johnson, before their marriage, that he could have sex with other women when they wed, but she must know about it. Then when he did so right after they got married, she became enraged. The had a confrontation and Chad inexcusably headbutt Evelyn in a case of domestic violence. The incident left a scar on her forehead and gave her two black eyes. Adultery always costs you something. Chad ruined his marriage, name, image and bankability. Choices have consequences. Evelyn is still distraught over it to this day.

Relationships need boundaries. It should be based on fidelity. It should not be based on a self-centered, selfish Hollywood idea of what a relationship should be. Hollywood relationships should not be your goals. Hollywood is a cesspool. People should not be looking to Hollywood for moral instruction or tips on how to live their lives. That’s like asking the devil for advice. You will get burned.

Some people don’t know how good they have it until something bad happens. A third person should not be in your relationship. You may be able to fool your spouse,  but you cannot fool God. Choices have consequences. Stop disrespecting your marriage, as it will bring bad things into your life.

Teyana is a pretty girl. Yet she wasn’t enough for him. They could have the most beautiful girl and still do some foolishness like this. So many famous men behave in this manner and cause themselves so much damage regarding the woman they love. Now they’ve made this mess that is heartbreaking to a wife and will be embarrassing for their daughter as she gets older and reads about it online. Not to mention, if Iman did indeed knock up the porn star, it will cost him money every month in child support. That’s another long-term consequence.

This story is more proof people should take their marriage vows seriously, after all it is a promise made to God. This “sharing” foolishness is breaking a promise of fidelity made before God also known as adultery. Again, choices have consequences.


Iman Shumpert Allegedly Got The Adult Film Star He & Teyana Taylor Had Threesome With Pregnant; Teyana Deletes Her IG

January 21, 2019 Robert Littal - The internet detectives are back at it again. They believe that Iman Shumpert got his porn star side chick Alby Ryder pregnant possibly while having a threesome with Teyana Taylor. The evidence as always is circumstantial at best. There has been no comment from Shump or Teyana, but the strongest evidence there is some truth to it is that Taylor has deleted her entire Instagram page after people started asking her questions in the comments.

The other piece of evidence is an IG comment from Shump to the woman who had the baby. Teyana in the past has spoken on how threesomes are good for marriage if that is what your husband wants. She has defended her positive and even made songs about the encounters. Flip the pages for the IG Model, the IG comment and tweets from the internet detectives. Alby Ryder is also promoting Iman Shumpert’s music in her IG Story...




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