Space Pollution - Part 2
December 17. 2010
Space Shuttle
In the November 30, 2010 article "Space
Pollution" the Judiciary Report warned of the ills of
pollution and debris in space and the prospect of it worsening, due
to commercial space travel. The article was derived from an
unpublished item I wrote weeks earlier.
Two weeks later, on December 14, 2010, NASA announced,
in conjunction with the U.S. Federal Government, via a new RAND
report entitled "Confronting Space Debris" they wish to
create a "super fund" to clean up space pollution. Hey, knock yourselves out *cough* just don't look
for any donations. As I see it, this isn't my mess, because that
kite I released could not have gotten that far.
Space Pollution
Report Calls for Creation of "Space Superfund" to Clean Up
Superfund Needed to Clean Mounting Orbital Trash