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Sotomayor Hearings Nearing Its Final Stages

July 16. 2009

Video: Sotomayor questioning wrapping up - WPRI.com


The Congressional hearings being held to determine the suitability of President Barack Obama's first pick for the Supreme Court, judge Sonia Sotomayor, is approaching its final stages.

A significant amount of press attention has been focused on the hearings, due to controversial remarks Sotomayor made in previous speeches and rulings. 

Though I am a conservative and you are a liberal, as the first Latina woman being nominated for the job, I certainly would not wish to see you turned away, but once again, I state, as someone who wholeheartedly believes in God, decency, justice and truth, if you are appointed to the Supreme Court, judge honestly, fairly, uncompromisingly, compassionately and with integrity.

Judge Sonia Sotomayor, Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama (Washington Times)

The current Supreme Court, allowed a corrupt President, to influence them in ways that went on to cause worldwide controversy and cries of hypocrisy, in cases such as Jose Padilla, among others, that people write about to this day in a very negative manner. Centuries of law were thrown out the window and people were aghast.

The disillusioned nation and world witnessed firsthand as the Judiciary deviated from everything the U.S. government stated it stood for in the world, violating the Constitution, time and time again. If you are appointed to the Supreme Court, do not let this be your legacy. You want history to be able to look back and say you got it right, not you did what was convenient.



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