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Something In The Water

December 17. 2009


Japanese researchers have been issuing the international recommendation that all nations put the alleged mood stabilizing drug Lithium in public water systems. They are of the belief it will help the crime rate. I disagree with the idea of mass drugging.

Not only is it a drastic approach, there are many things to consider, such as how Lithium in the water would interact with other medications people are taking, allergic reactions and the potentially serious side effects for babies, children and even adults.

Fox News Covers Mass Drugging of Society with Lithium

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 - In the remarkable Fox News report posted below, Dr. Archelle Georgiou, described as a well-recognized physician leader who “helps consumers make better health care decisions,” argues the case for adding lithium to the water supply. Georgiou is affiliated with the Center for Health Transformation, an organization founded by the notorious neocon Newt Gingrich.

Georgiou is also a “medical expert” for Fox News 9 in Minneapolis where she commented on a proposal to drug people during a segment on “Health Care Innovations 2009.”

“Lithium in the Water Supply: America has been adding fluoride to its public water supplies for decades to help prevent reduce tooth decay. Now researchers from Japan suggests expanding the list to lithium,” is how how Fox News 9 describes the segment.

Georgiou does not explicitly call for adding the mood-stabilizing drug to the water system, as suggested by Japanese researchers, but she does not denounce the proposed practice. Instead, she says the draconian proposal is a “very interesting concept.”

Japanese researchers, according to Georgiou, are “investigating whether trace amounts of lithium can just change the mood in a community enough — in a really positive way without having the bad effects of lithium — to really affect the mood and decrease the suicide rate.”...




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