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Simon Cowell Is Exploiting Children In The Entertainment Industry

There's A Serious Problem There That Needs To Be Addressed

December 10. 2011

Former "American Idol" talent judge and current resident chief grump on "X-Factor" is exploiting children for ratings on the show. Nowhere was it more apparent than the breakdown of 12-year-old Rachel Crow on air, when she was eliminated from his contrived show that is completely rigged.

"X-Factor" talent judges

It's clear Crow sustained emotional trauma from the games being played on the show. She is not the only minor that experienced this all in the name of ratings (that show is lacking it). Dangling that carrot of fame before children's faces so Cowell can increase his unlawfully enriched  bank accounts.

Simon Cowell and his unattractive Botox pinched face

The entertainment industry is not a good place for children. When industry people aren't ripping off and using children for their own financial enrichment, they are sexually exploiting them, as seen with the arrest of three prominent Hollywood executives over the past few weeks.


X-Factor Ratings Plunge Again Leaving Simon Cowell Red-Faced After Boasts



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