Rupert Murdoch Has Been Running Sky And
The BBC In Criminal Violation Of British Law
December 26. 2017

Rupert Murdoch
This is a follow up to
the phone hacking scandal that
I broke first online by posting a copy of a police complaint
I filed with the Metropolitan Police (UK) in 2005, regarding
Madonna, her business associate Rupert Murdoch and his
company News International, which is the parent company for
News Group and 20th Century Fox (the latter he agreed to
sell to Disney this month).
I also stated there is a problem with
pedophilia at the BBC and shortly after the police made
arrests in that regard (Pedophilia
At The BBC Comes To Light Just As The Site Predicted With Arrests In
Jimmy Savile Scandal and
Celebrity Publicist Max Clifford Sentenced To 8-years In Prison For
Having Sex With Underage Girls As Young As 12-Years Of Age
Former BBC Television Presenter Rolf Harris Sentenced To 5-Years In
Prison For Pedophilia).
Vile, power hungry madman and Kabbalah/"Illuminati"
cultist, Rupert Murdoch, has been illegally
running Sky and the BBC in Britain. Murdoch owns shares in
the British cable/satellite network Sky. However, he also
installed his executives at the BBC, such as former CEO,
James Harding, who quit in October. British people on social
networking cheered Harding's departure, labeling him a
lackey for Murdoch.
As illustrated in the aforementioned article
link [Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty
Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel
Kaluuya)] Murdoch and his his Kabbalah cult, headed up
by disgusting madwoman, Madonna, have been interfering at
the BBC in depraved ways. This is particularly criminal, as
the BBC is owned by the state and funded by the British
people's tax dollars. Yet Madonna and Murdoch have been able
to call and email the network, placing illegal, racist,
invasive things on the air, as written about in the
aforementioned link.
I have it on very good authority by an
unimpeachable source, Madonna in particular kept contacting
the BBC with alleged show ideas, which were written into
scripts. However, these items from Madonna that BBC workers
knowingly accepted and in criminal violation of domestic and
international law, contained excerpts from illegally
wiretapped and phone hacked calls, time stamped emails, time
stamped medical records and preexisting copyrights
registered with the Library of Congress in Washington, DC
(and via emails with time stamps to establish the date of
authorship) years prior to her illegally obtaining and using
Murdoch, who is an unelected madman,
determined he is to run Britain, owns Sky and its component
Sky News, but has been determined to shape the entire news
narrative in the United Kingdom, with the slant he dictates
and did so through Harding and other BBC News employees.
This is the same power hungry, greedy Murdoch, who installed
his own News International journalist, Andy Coulson, at
Downing Street, in successful and brazen bids at controlling
former British Prime Minister, David Cameron, who was his
puppet. In 2012
angrily muttered in my direction in South London,
while I was minding my own business. Coulson was later
found guilty of phone hacking.

Andy Coulson
Cameron, a racist descendant of slavetraders,
who based on his actions when he was in office a few short
years ago, still harbors said views, did illegal and
damaging favors for evil Murdoch,
who still refers to black people by the racial slur
"coloreds" (which is short for the offensive
term "colored people"). These illegal favors Cameron did for
Murdoch were not in the British people's best interest, as
time will show.
As the foregoing illustrates, Murdoch has
been openly running Sky and secretly running the BBC, in
criminal violation of the law. The Washington Post stated, "The British government has
referred the deal to the country’s competition regulator
over fears the deal would concentrate too much power in
Murdoch’s hands, and concerns about broadcasting standards. Opponents say the U.K. tabloid wrongdoing and allegations
of racial discrimination and sexual harassment at Murdoch’s
U.S. TV network Fox News show that he does not meet the
requirement that U.K. media owners be 'fit and proper'
There is nothing "fit and proper" about
Murdoch. The man is a greedy thief who has used private
investigators, hackers and thugs to criminally steal
people's companies, copyrights, patents, trademarks and
multi-million dollar customer databases, and illegal merge
them into his own company, News International, in criminal
acts worthy of imprisonment.
Murdoch has stolen billions of dollars in
other people's assets. One case even made it to the floor of
the U.S. Congress, regarding Murdoch paying his hackers to
hack into the
computers of the company
Floorgraphics, illegally copy their valuable intellectual
property, which he then infringed to criminally make millions of
dollars. Murdoch also went around threatening to destroy any
companies that worked with Floorgraphics, as he was trying
to illegally steal all their assets and run them out of
business for undue financial gain.
Through corrupt lobbying, some members of Congress
looked the other way, as did the FBI/DOJ, enabling Murdoch to illegally buy his way out of criminal charges,
due to the corrupt recommendation to the legislature by
bribe taking former FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller.
However, Murdoch's financial fall from grace and that of his
grown children is coming and at the
hands of the global public...
Murdoch’s UK firm pays damages to ex-spy in hacking
October 6 - LONDON — ...Murdoch’s Twenty-First Century Fox is currently trying
again to take control of Sky. The British government has
referred the deal to the country’s competition regulator
over fears the deal would concentrate too much power in
Murdoch’s hands, and concerns about broadcasting standards.
Opponents say the U.K. tabloid wrongdoing and allegations
of racial discrimination and sexual harassment at Murdoch’s
U.S. TV network Fox News show that he does not meet the
requirement that U.K. media owners be “fit and proper”
James Harding quits as BBC head of news
Tuesday 10 October 2017 11.00 EDT - First
published on Tuesday 10 October 2017 10.20 EDT - James
Harding is to stand down as director of news and current
affairs at the BBC and set up a media company that will
offer “a clear point of view”, a perspective the impartial
corporation is not allowed to provide.
The £340,000-a-year executive had been
considered one of the frontrunners to eventually succeed
Tony Hall as director general of the BBC, but his sudden
departure leaves the director of radio, James Purnell, as
the favourite. Explaining his decision in a letter to staff,
Harding wrote: “There is some journalism that the BBC, for
all its brilliance, can’t, and probably shouldn’t, do. And
that’s what I want to explore: I am going to start a new
media company with a distinct approach to the news and a
clear point of view.
“I know I will enjoy the chance to do some
more journalism of my own and, at such a critical time, I’m
seriously excited about the prospect of building a new
venture in news.” It is understood that Harding, who will
leave the BBC early next year, has backers for his project
and that it will focus on analysis rather than news. The
48-year-old joined the BBC in 2013, having left his previous
role as editor of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Times newspaper
the year before...
Critics of the BBC have claimed its coverage
of the Scottish independence referendum, Brexit and Jeremy
Corbyn was biased. Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary,
accused the BBC of “shamelessly anti-Brexit coverage”, while
the BBC Trust ruled in January that a report about Corbyn’s
views on shoot-to-kill policies breached impartiality and
accuracy guidelines, a decision Harding opposed.
Julian Knight, a Conservative MP and member
of the influential digital, culture, media and sport select
committee, said: “Harding always felt an odd match for BBC
News and his departure statement, where he says he wants to
pursue stories which BBC News wouldn’t do, reflects that.
“The important thing is that in the post-Ofcom regulation
world the BBC doubles down on impartiality and sets out to
retain its position as a gold standard for news and current
This year, Harding has had to deal with a
series of pay rows at BBC News, including the pay gap
between male and female presenters and between BBC World
Service and other news staff.
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents
Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via
Hacking Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating
System Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of
American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In
America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing
Egregious Human Rights Abuses
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce,
Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright
Infringement, Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned Criminal
Harassment And Assault Via The Kabbalah Center
Andy Coulson Moved From Tough British Prison Belmarsh While Former
Boss Rupert Murdoch And His Cohort Madonna Continue Phone Hacking
Rupert Murodch's Right Hand Man Andy Coulson Sentenced To 18-Months
In Jail After Being Found Guilty In The Phone Hacking Scandal
Celebrity Publicist Max Clifford Sentenced To 8-years In Prison For
Having Sex With Underage Girls As Young As 12-Years Of Age
Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty
Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel
Coulson Found Guilty In The Phone Hacking Case (Confirming Previous
Claims I Made About Him On The Site)
At The BBC Comes To Light Just As The Site Predicted With Arrests In
Jimmy Savile Scandal
Rupert Murdoch's Right Hand Man Andy Coulson Arrested For Perjury In
The Phone Hacking Scandal
News Corp's Andy Coulson From The Phone Hacking Scandal Is
Struggling With Mental Illness
Former BBC Television Presenter Rolf Harris Sentenced To 5-Years In
Prison For Pedophilia