Troubled, drug addled, alcoholic pop star, Rihanna,
wants to play the role of the late singer, Aaliyah, in an
unauthorized biopic of her life being done by the Lifetime network.
Rihanna cannot act and her first movie has been thoroughly slammed
by critics. Considering how Rihanna conducts herself off screen, she
would be a terrible choice for the role, a bonafide insult to
Aailyah's memory.

Zendaya Coleman (left) and Aaliyah (right)
Originally, the Lifetime network hired Disney
actress, Zendaya Coleman to play the role of Aaliyah. However, after
public backlash from Aaliyah's fans, some of whom stated biracial
Zendaya is too light to play the role, Coleman backed out of the
role (Zendaya
Coleman Backs Out Of Aaliyah Biopic After Fans And Her Family
Protest The Movie That Is Now On Hold).
was not too light to play Aaliyah (and that's the least, as
you put believable darker make-up on an actress or actor in that
type of situation).

Zendaya Coleman (left) and Aaliyah (right)
Zendaya is a decent comedic actress, but the problem
is she really does not remind one of Aaliyah enough and it is a
serious dramatic role.
Aaliyah's family spoke out against the project and stated they would
prefer a theatrical release and one starring actress Zoe Saldana.

As someone who grew up listening to Aaliyah's music
and knows about the things that went on in her career, before and
behind the scenes, I can attest Lifetime will not do her story
justice, much like things are going astray regarding their
unauthorized Whitney Houston biopic.