Rebekah Brooks Formally Charged With Phone
Hacking While Rupert Murdoch Remains Silent
August 4. 2012

Rupert Murdoch
[Article background: this is another in the series of phone hacking
articles the Judiciary Report has published, regarding a scandal I broke
first in October 2005, via a police
complaint I filed with the Metropolitan Police in London, England.
60 people have been arrested by the Metropolitan Police since the time I filed
the complaint. However, the Murdochs and other key conspirators remain free
and the FBI has not arrested anyone, though the crimes began and continue
in News Corp's New York headquarters]
One of News Corp's former top executives, Rebekah Brooks, has been
formally charged in court proceedings with phone hacking. News Corp CEO,
Rupert Murdoch, has been strangely silent on the matter, which can't
inspire confidence in his employees, as Brooks was one of his favored
executives (for adulterous reasons).
Rebekah Brooks
Previously, Murdoch was slamming Britain and Britons on Twitter,
defamatorily referring to them as lazy people, who take too many holidays
and have too many regulations in government and the media. Says the man who
illegally makes money from sitting on his puckered butt all day, unlawfully
spying on people in every conceivable way.

Andy Coulson, a former News Corp employee, ahs also
been charged twice in the case
Where's your tough talk now that the corrupt and illegal orders you gave
your staff has resulted in so many arrests and charges. You've ruined their
lives, issuing promises of protection and impunity you could not back up or
Of Rupert Murdoch’s Top Executives Charged In Phone Hacking Scandal
Corp Hid Important Incriminating Email In The Phone Hacking Case That Has
Now Been Subpoenaed
Of Rupert Murdoch's Hackers Arrested In The Phone Hacking Case
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In Their Homes
Murdoch's News Corp Is Under Investigation For Computer Hacking And
Corporate Theft
Widen Rupert Murdoch News Corp Criminal Probe To Include Computer Hacking
Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing
Their Copyrights
Murdoch's Trusted Confidant Rebekah Brooks, Her Husband And Four Other News
Corp Employees Charged In The Phone Hacking Scandal
Murdoch's Right Hand Man Andy Coulson Arrested For Perjury In The Phone
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