R. Kelly's Mole Disputed Again
June 6. 2008

I know
he wishes he'd had that
mask on in that video
Singer R. Kelly's lawyer contends
he is not the man in a video having sex with a then 13-year-old girl, Reshonda
Landfair. His defense lawyer arranged for a demonstration illustrating how you
can paste a person's head on another body.

While, with basic video tools,
anyone can paste another person's head onto another body,
but the defense doing that proves nothing, as they key issue in
that line of reasoning is, it would be detectable. Any video expert worth
their salt would be able to tell the tape had been altered.

The Cause (Reshonda Landfair pictured
to the far right)
The FBI and other experts have
already decreed the video has not been altered. They have
testified that it would take decades working 24/7 to accomplish such a thing, which would
predate R. Kelly's birth. Even then, the alterations to the video would show.

(Reshonda Landfair
pictured center)
look at how young she was when this was going
Switching the heads of subjects on
a video tape is a clumsy technique that when properly inspected by an expert
will reveal the digital trickery.

R. Kelly
While, I've not seen the tape, but the evidence and witnesses
provided compelling proof that R. Kelly has engaged in this very type of
misconduct repeatedly with different underage girls. He cannot be allowed to
continue doing this. Do not let money and fame sway you from rendering justice
for deeds that are very sick.