R Kelly Hid Millions Of Dollars
Before Being Convicted In Criminal Court Of Raping
Underage Girls
July 1. 2022

R Kelly
A new report reveals convicted
pedophile, R. Kelly, who was sentenced to 30-years
in prison for sex trafficking and racketeering, in
reference to raping underage girls, hid millions of
dollars before the end of his criminal trial.
Prosecutors have been watching his financial
dealings and made the discovery.

R Kelly
Kelly is said to have, "Funneled
millions of dollars from music royalties through a
childhood friend." Kelly has been hiding money, due
to lawsuits and financial court judgments from his
victims. Kelly has also been hiding money from his
ex-wife and children.
R. Kelly funneled millions of dollars from
music royalties through a childhood friend right
before his sex-trafficking conviction, prosecutors
Wed, June 29, 2022 at 5:12 PM - R.
Kelly sold some of his music rights for $5 million
around the time of his trial, prosecutors alleged.
Prosecutors argued the proceeds should be considered
when the judge issues a fine. Kelly was sentenced to
30 years in prison plus $140,000 in fines, with
restitution to be decided later.
R. Kelly secretly has access to
millions of dollars from the sale of some of his
music royalties and funneled them through a
childhood friend around the time of his
sex-trafficking trial last year, prosecutors said in
court Wednesday...