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"Quiet On The Set" Documentary Blasts The Pedophile Culture At Hollywood Studio Nickelodeon (Video)

March 25. 2024

Child sexual abuse is very common in Hollywood. There are pedophile rings and they sexually pass child stars around. It is vile and disgusting. Top executives and stars participate in child molestation and rape, of girls and boys in the entertainment industry.

The documentary "Quiet On The Set: The Dark Side Of Kids TV" has exposed more pedophilia in Hollywood. Nickelodeon (and Disney, among others) has an enormous amount of pedophilia. "Quiet On The Set" centers on Nickelodeon. Former child star, Drake Bell, 37, stated he was sexually abused as a minor by Nickelodeon dialog coach, Brian Peck, 63.

Bell stated the sexual abuse began when he was 15-years-old. Bell was groomed and raped. Peck only received 16-months in jail for sexually abusing an unnamed minor, which is an insult. Such acts should warrant at least 20-years in federal prison. It would do the public a favor in keeping pedophiles off the streets.
Here's where pedo Hollywood added insult to injury, after being convicted of child sex crimes, going to jail, then having to register as a sex offender, Peck was back in the industry working for the another pedophile hub, Disney.

Nickelodeon movie executive, Dan Schneider, 58, has been accused of being a pedophile and racist who was very abusive to children at Nickelodeon. The rumors have circulated in Hollywood for many years. Hollywood is full of pedophilia, largely being committed in pedophile rings by Jewish executives who run the entertainment industry, and are following rabbis who state it is okay to have sex with children. The rabbis label it "the evil urge" and state it is permissible, when it is horrific and wrong. This is the root of the problem.

Sex with children is a sick federal crime. It is highly immoral and disgusting. However, Hollywood is an epicenter of pedophilia. Due to celebrity and wealth from degenerate entertainment, pedophiles have been able to skirt the law and molest children with impunity.

For over a decade I have warned on this site that Hollywood is a den of pedophilia. I've outed a number of people on being pedophiles and even referred the names of some sexual abusers, such as Harvey Weinstein and R Kelly to Congress. The sad fact of the matter is most of your favorite child stars have been sexually molested in Hollywood.

Hollywood is stocked with the most demonic, depraved people in existence. The industry attracts degenerates because there are no rules in Hollywood and they don't follow the law. Any idiot can walk up off the street and become famous or work as an executive, with no talent or training. It is an industry based in depravity. If you are will to completely debased yourself and do unspeakably wicked things, they will accept you. However, it comes at a high cost - your mental health, dignity, quality and usually your life, as many in the industry die young.


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