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President Joe Biden Pardons His Son Hunter Biden To Much Criticism, Scorn And Cries Of Hypocrisy

December 2. 2024

Hunter Biden

U.S. President Joe Biden has gone back on his word and pardoned his lawbreaking son, Hunter Biden, who was due to be sentenced in two days on an illegal weapon and drugs charges. However, there is more to the story than that case. The pardon goes back to 2014, which covers Hunter's crimes in Ukraine and China, in pay-for-play bribery schemes that enriched his family, including Joe. Hunter took over $100,000,000 in bribes on behalf of his family, especially Joe, whom he referred to as "the big guy" needing his cut of the criminal proceeds, in items exposing the crime.

People in the international community are calling the U.S. government corrupt. People all over the world are slamming the U.S. government over the President's actions, as the Bidens and the DOJ and FBI have thrown the rule of law out the window. It does not command respect in the world. The American people on social networking have expressed anger over what the President has done.

Biden has embarrassed Democrats in Congress and their party in pardoning Hunter. Republicans are calling them hypocrites and corrupt over the pardon they vowed on several occasions would not occur. Former congressman, Ron Paul, stated of the pardon, "It represents the deep corruption and contempt for the rule of law that has characterized the Biden presidency. But it is also important for another reason: the pardon is an attempt to erase the Biden family involvement with Ukraine from the time of the 2014 coup through the millions that passed into the family accounts. Our current state of near WWIII is directly tied to the Biden family seeking personal riches in Ukraine."

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden

In the November 26, 2024 article "President Joe Biden's Family Is Really Bad...Just Ask Diddy" I stated "A very credible source informed me there is a reason Biden left the U.S. border open. As stated previously on the site, I alleged it was to gain new voters by buying illegal immigrants votes (and illegal immigrants did vote in some states during the 2024 presidential election). Many online later concurred with my previous statements. However, there was another reason the border was left open and it is human trafficking, which is very lucrative." Human trafficking charges bring very lengthy prison sentences.

Then, days later on December 1, 2024, Alex Jones announced on the social networking website X, "Trump has announced a plan to prosecute the Biden administration for human trafficking and sex slavery." The pardon was issued for many reasons, not just the illegal gun charge. The sexually deviant, corrupt, money hungry Biden family never should have been in the White House. They've set America back decades and brought global disgrace and shame.


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