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President Joe Biden's Economy Is So Bad Seniors Are Moving Into Homeless Shelters In Record Numbers

May 23. 2023

Joe Biden

A news report released this week reveals, "Seniors are flooding homeless shelters that can't care for them...nearly a quarter of a million people 55 or older are estimated by the government to have been homeless in the United States during at least part of 2019, the most recent reliable federal count available. They represent a particularly vulnerable segment of the 70 million Americans born after World War II known as the baby boom generation, the youngest of whom turn 59 this year."

This is an indicator of a bad economy. The Biden Administration has failed America. Repeatedly raising interest rates has done nothing to combat the terrible inflation Biden caused over the past year-and-a-half. It has actually created more economic damage. The awful inflation Biden has unleashed on America is forcing seniors and other age groups into poverty and destitution. Biden is not worthy of the presidency. He has made a mess of everything.

You know what I despise most about all of this, the money is there to take care of America's most vulnerable, but many are having extreme difficulty accessing it. The Biden administration is not putting the American people first under its "'New World Order' and 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy." He's doing some other foolishness that will result in financial and social disaster.

Many seniors, the disabled, veterans and children are at great risk of destitution, but you've chosen to prioritize other things above it, diverting taxpayer money in the process that should be spent on the needy. This is morally wrong. Giving billions yearly to the FBI, CIA and NASA, among other entitles, while Americans on earth go homeless is foolishness.


Seniors are flooding homeless shelters that can’t care for them

14h ago - PHOENIX — Beatrice Herron, 73, clutched a flier offering low-cost cable TV, imagining herself settling into an apartment, somewhere out of the Arizona heat where, like others her age, she can settle into an armchair and tune into a television of her own.

Instead, the grandmother and former autoworker can be found most mornings in a food line, or seeking shade under the awning of a mobile street clinic. At night, she sleeps on a floor mat at a homeless shelter. She laments the odors of human waste outside and the thieves who have victimized her repeatedly.

“My wallet’s gone,” she said. “My purse was stolen.” She hardly stands out from the dozens of seniors using wheelchairs and walkers at a complex of homeless shelters near downtown Phoenix, or from the white-haired denizens of tents in the surrounding streets — a testament to a demographic surge that is overwhelming America’s social safety net...



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