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Photos Surface Of Married Florida Politician Andrew Gillum And Male Prostitute Travis Dyson

March 26. 2020

Andrew Gillum, his wife R. Jai and their three children

Photos have surfaced of married, fallen Florida politician, Andrew Gillum, and male prostitute, Travis Dyson, after the two were caught in a hotel suite in states of undress, with illegal drugs present. Dyson, who was naked and puking/pooing on the bed, was transported to a local hospital for a drug overdose. Police later checked on Gillum, who was too inebriated to speak to them.

The photos are the latest in a string of clues that Gillum was cheating on his wife, R. Jai, who is the mother of his three young children, with Dyson. Gillum has known Dyson for a year. Dyson advertises his services on a gay escort website. According to items written online by members of the public, Dyson is known locally in Miami among gays, as a male escort who has been with many sex partners.

However, Dyson, upon meeting the famous politician, Gillum, who was endorsed by former president, Barack Obama, a man that is also the subject of many gay rumors, the male escort became obsessed. I'll explain. In the photos, Dyson's body language indicates he has a crush on Gillum. Dyson is grinning and leaning towards Gillum in a manner indicating he has feelings for him.

Andrew Gillum and Travis Dyson with an unnamed man. There were other photos on Dyson's Instgram page, which has since been deactivated, which featured him nude and semi-nude. Dyson also appears on a known male escort site online. This is not the type of company a politician should privately keep while claiming to be a family man.

Meanwhile, Gillum's body language towards Dyson does not indicate the same. I think Gillum was using Dyson for sex. Dyson realized Gillum was not going to leave his wife and deliberately tried to break up their marriage.

I state this because when the press contacted Dyson about the hotel room incident, he could have lied in backing up Gillum's story. Gillum stated to the press that he was in town for a wedding, drank too much and was only trying to help out a friend (Dyson) who was overdosing. Instead Dyson threw Gillum under the bus to the press in stating he wasn't aware of any wedding.

Then there's the Gillum nude photo leak (Married Florida Politician Andrew Gillum Angrily Protests The Release Of Nude Photo From When Police Caught Him With A Male Prostitute).

Andrew Gillum, his wife R. Jai and their three children

One has to wonder if the nude photo circulating online of Gillum inebriated and vomiting on a bathroom floor of the hotel suite was deliberately leaked by Dyson or someone connected to him. There is a barefoot in the photo of a white male standing over Gillum, who is laying on his side, inebriated on the bathroom floor.

As stated in my aforementioned article on the subject, the foot in the photo did not have shoes on, which would eliminate the police, who responded to the emergency call of Dyson's friend, Aldo Mejias, whose name the room was rented under. Speaking of Mejias, why did he speak to the local news in Miami and throw Gillum under the bus in completely contradicting his story.

I don't agree with what Gillum did, but I am trying to make to think regarding the actions of Dyson and Mejias. It's like they were trying to force and shame him out of the closet. What an awful way for his family to find out, especially his wife.

R. Jai and Andrew Gillum

I get the impression Dyson was trying to let Gillum's wife know of their extramarital affair to force her to leave him. As a blogger/writer, I can safely state, Dyson is acting like these entertainment/sports industry hoes who want the girlfriend, fiancé or wife to know another woman is in the picture in order to break up the relationship. 

The question some want to know is was Gillum set up. Some think it is politicial, as Gillum was a former mayor and the first black candidate for Florida governor. He became nationally known after the hotly contested Florida election for the post of governor was initially too close to call. A recount gave the victory to Republican, Ron DeSantis.

Despite losing the election, Gillum was still active in the Democratic party and hoped to attain public office in another post. However, the scandal with Dyson and during election year, has torpedoed Gillum's political career.

Andrew Gillum

At the end of the day Gillum is responsible for his actions. He has been living a flagrant lifestyle and it caught up with him. Getting caught with a prostitute and illegal drugs in a hotel suite is pretty flagrant, not to mention unlawful. As Gillum is a former member of government and one who wanted to run for president in 2024, people will hold him (and others in similar situations) to a higher standard. 

Gillum's wife R. Jai, has not commented on the devastating scandal that has damaged her marriage. Her husband has embarrassed her, himself and their families to the world (though she shouldn't feel embarrassed, as this is his doing).

Some online are wondering out loud if R. Jai Gillum was a beard (a woman who knowingly dates or marries a gay man in an agreement with him to cover his homosexuality). However, why would a beard have three children with someone. Furthermore, she looks at her husband like she is in love with him.

Travis Dyson

Poor lady must be devastated at what has occurred this month. It would make any woman question their entire marriage. Some do not like to hear or read about the topic of "down low" men (gay men who lie to women that they are straight then secretly cheat with men), even labeling it homophobic (it's not), but it needs to be discussed. Women and children's lives are being destroyed by "down low" men.

Women have great pause about dating bisexual men and it is due to things like what has occurred regarding Andrew Gillum. When a man cheats on his girlfriend or wife with another woman, it's bad enough. However, when a man cheats on his girlfriend or wife with another man, it makes the woman think they were never the man's sexual preference and the entire relationship or marriage was fake from the start. It makes women feel used. That's a cruel thing to put a woman through.


Politician Andrew Gillum Checks Into Rehab After Police Discovered Him Inebriated In Hotel Room With Male Prostitute Overdosing On Crystal Meth

Married Florida Politician Andrew Gillum Angrily Protests The Release Of Nude Photo From When Police Caught Him With A Male Prostitute

Former Florida Politician Andrew Gillum Found Inebriated In Hotel Room With Man Overdosing On Crystal Meth (Video)



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