Phone Hacking Scandal Plagued Rupert Murdoch Is
Embezzling Money From News Corp
Murdoch Family Is Cheating Shareholders
February 18. 2014

Rupert Murdoch
This is a follow up to the Judiciary Report's series
of phone hacking articles, regarding a
story I broke
first, via a formal, written police complaint to the
Metropolitan Police in London, England. Since the time of the police
complaint I filed, 100 people have been arrested in connection with
the scandal. People are still being investigated by the police
regarding the case.
News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch's greed knows no end.
Not content with stealing the assets of companies he illegally
sabotaged and pillaged in violation of the law, Murdoch and members
of his family have been embezzling money from News Corp,
misappropriating funds which eats into shareholder profits. Madonna
crony and fellow Kabbalah Center member Murdoch, is operating under
the unethical premise that News Corp is his company, but once you
open a corporation up to the stock market and sell shares to the
public, there is legal accountability. Conrad Black went to prison
for far less than Murdoch is doing. Why does Murdoch think his
unlawful conduct is acceptable.
Side Bar: I'm still being harassed by the
Kabbalah Center, so I'm going to keep writing about their crimes the
public doesn't know about...
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