Pedophile R Kelly Admits To Sexual
Abuse Of Underage Aaliyah And Others On New Song ‘I Admit’
July 24. 2018

R Kelly
R. Kelly released a 19-minute song entitled
“I Admit” that many are interpreting as an admission of
guilt, regarding the singer criminally having sex with
underage girls, some of whom were featured on sick sex tapes
he made. In the song, 51-year-old Kelly sings about being
molested by a member of his family when he was underage.
Some are interpreting it as his excuse for the trail of
sexual abuse he has created regarding many underage girls.
However, being abused is no excuse to abuse others.
In the 1990s and early 2000s, Vibe magazine
did exposés on R. Kelly for his sex crimes against underage
girls. His youngest victim was 11-years-old, while Kelly was
in his thirties. He has a problem. He is a pedophile.
Kelly’s most famous victim is the late singer, Aaliyah, who
he also mentioned in the song “I Admit It.” He claims it was
"love" but I highly doubt that. He sexually abused Aaliyah.
That is not love. He is a sexual predator.
Aaliyah was 14-years-old when she began
recording her debut album “Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number”
which 27-year-old Kelly wrote and produced. The songs were
adult in nature and he sang with Aaliyah on some tracks,
such as the remake of the Isley Brother's classic “At Your
In itself, “At Your Best” is not an
inappropriate song. However, a 27-year-old pedophile, Kelly,
singing along with a 14-year-old girl as she croons on his
instructions, “So many things have taken place before this
love affair began” was creepy. Even the album’s title was
made creepy for the reason Kelly was illegally having sex
with a very impressionable, vulnerable underage girl.
When Aaliyah met R. Kelly, she knew of his
hit records on the radio that so many of us sang along with
in the 1990s. Even when her debut album was released, what
Kelly was up to flew over our heads, as we too were not of
age yet and were only hearing songs performed by a
beautiful, talented teenage singer.
Not even Aaliyah’s parents knew what was
going on. When Aaliyah's father, Michael Haughton, found out
about what was going on, Kelly had to go into hiding, as he
was threatening to kill him for having sex with his
14-year-old daughter and then secretly marrying her in
Chicago, Illinois, when she turned 15-years-old, using a
fake ID. Aaliyah's parents had the marriage annulled in
Michigan after one-year, as is permitted by law in such
cases. The court record is sealed.

Years ago, Vibe magazine exposed the fact
Kelly used Aaliyah's name as bait in luring other underage
girls into his sick sexual misconduct. He told preteen and
underage teens that he would make them famous singers like
Aaliyah and to meet him at his recording studio. They went
there without their parents and ended up being preyed upon
by Kelly in sexually depraved ways.
It has been difficult for prosecutors to
gain a conviction against Kelly, as his victims are afraid
to testify. This is why he has continued to have sex with
young girls, ruining more lives. Kelly beat the first case
due to a technicality (his face was not clearly shown on the
sex tapes he made, found in his possession, of himself
having sex with girls ages 11-15).
Kelly is said to have urinated on the
underage girls in the sex tape, after performing various sex
acts on them and penetrating the minors, which is sick.
Those children should not have been subjected to that. There
is something very wrong with him. Some of Kelly's victims
who are adults now, told journalists they've need therapy
after what he put them through.
Even when the scandal broke regarding Kelly
and Aaliyah, who was 15 when the story hit the press, some
in the industry blamed the victim (there are other
pedophiles in Hollywood and they cover for each other).
Aaliyah was labeled “precocious” “self-possessed”
“conceited” and “fast” among other things, which was not
fair. Some Hollywood crazies tried to make it look like an
innocent 14-year-old girl seduced and overpowered
27-year-old Kelly. She even became a social pariah in some
industry circles.
To blame a 14-year-old girl, who didn’t even
have a boyfriend at the time, and was looking up to her
producer, a 27-year-old man who began preying on,
manipulating, then sexually abusing her, was awful. Sadly,
the industry preys upon people, even underage girls and
boys. No one wanted to think these things were (and are)
happening, but it has been going on for decades (8 Former Child Stars State Bryan Singer's Co-Worker And Fellow
Director Gary Goddard Molested Them and
Actors Corey Feldman And Dominick Brascia State Charlie Sheen
Raped Corey Haim When He Was 13-Years-Old and
Complaints Intensify Regarding Pedophilia Claims Against
Hollywood Director Bryan Singer Who Has A Penchant For Teenage
Male Twins).
Lifetime’s 'Aaliyah: The Princess Of R&B' Movie Is Not True To The
Facts And Is Being Torn To Pieces By Critics And Social Networking
(Confirming This Site's Previous Claims)
Kelly Victim Breaks Confidentiality Agreement To Talk About His
Pedophilic Behavior When He Raped Her As A 15-Year-Old Virgin
Wendy Williams Responds To Terrible Public Backlash Over The Aaliyah
Movie In What This Site Predicted Would Be A Flop
Lifetime Accused Of Promoting Pedophilia Due To Tweets On Twitter
About The Movie 'Aaliyah: The Princess Of R&B'
51-Year-Old Singer R Kelly Sued By Teenage Girlfriend For Giving Her
Herpes And Holding Her Hostage
Spoof Video Slams Lifetime's Terrible Casting In The 'Aaliyah: The
Princess Of R&B Movie' (Video)
Apple Music, Spotify And Pandora Drop Singer R Kelly From Their Music
Streaming Playlists
R Kelly Tour Dates Cancelled Due To Poor Ticket Sales In The
Face Of Sex Cult Scandal
Casting For Lifetime's Unauthorized Aaliyah Biopic Goes Terribly
Wrong Again
The MeToo
Movement Is Going After Pedophile R Kelly
A Second Aaliyah
Movie In The Works