Obama's War On
Journalists Evident In The Case Of CBS News Journalist Sharyl
Attkisson Among Others
December 14. 2015

Barack Obama
The Judiciary Report has written articles in the past
regarding U.S. President Barack Obama and his absurd and
alarming fixation on journalists and bloggers, whom he has
unlawfully targeted throughout his presidency for criticizing
him in print and online. Obama has illegally and
unconstitutionally sent the IRS, FBI, DOJ, NSA and CIA after
journalists and bloggers, among other outspoken critics of his
policies, ordering the agency to financially abuse, harass,
threaten and spy on scribes.
Obama is operating under the illegal premise that he has the
right to dictate what goes into the press both on television and
the internet and those who dare publicly criticize him must be
illegally wiretapped, their computer and emails hacked, GPS
systems initiated regarding their phones and cars to track them,
among other things, in gross and criminal misuse of taxpayer

Sharyl Attkisson
CBS News journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, began writing
investigative pieces on the Obama administration years ago and
the president went berserk. Obama, engaging in crimes against
the constitution and violations of the U.S. Code, order members
of his administration to illegally wiretap Attkisson and hack
her emails and computer. Obama was bold enough to order spyware
placed on Attkisson’s computer, allowing him to get advance
copies of all her unpublished articles as she worked on them for
print and television, to misuse and misappropriate as he saw fit
(some items he illegally gained advance copies of via spying and
hacking, Obama tried to thwart before Attkisson went public with

Sharyl Attkisson
The illegal spyware Obama had placed on Attkisson’s computer
was later detected and resulted in a lawsuit against the
lawbreaking head of state and his administration. Attkisson,
like me, has been repeatedly stonewalled in trying to obtain an
FBI Freedom Of Information Act file (when the FBI does that they
are covering up criminal activity committed by the government
and others who acted in tandem with them).
I’ve stated it before and I shall state it again - there is a
perversion running all the way to the top in the U.S.
government, that was not present with previous administrations.
The Obama Administration is mentally ill to be spying on people
like this. In the latest twist, the twisted Obama Administration
now has the Pentagon labeling journalists "unprivileged
belligerents" giving them an unlawful right to attack and abuse
journalists at will (see article excerpt below).
How did the FBI manage to
“lose” Sharyl Attkisson’s file?
Posted at 2:31 pm on November 28, 2015 - Sharyl Attkisson,
the former CBS reporter and independent journalist, has a long
history of getting under the government’s skin. In her book
Stonewalled, she detailed many of the battles she encountered
when attempting to expose the truth in the tradition of the
Fourth Estate and how unpopular stories tended to wind up being
discounted or silenced. Later, her Nosy Nellie ways attracted
the interest of the Department of Justice, though they have thus
far failed to file any actual charges against her.
This week, Attkisson tells the story of how she finally
sought to obtain her own FBI file and the mysterious answers she
received. The bottom line for the FBI seems to be… Attkisson?
Attkisson? Who is this Sharyl Attkisson person of which you
Years later, in 2013, I learned of the intrusion of my work
and home computers. The intruders utilized software proprietary
to a U.S. government agency. I knew that the FBI had contacted
CBS News and confirmed the computer intrusion. I knew that FBI
case workers listed me as a “victim” in the computer intrusion,
even though they never contacted me to investigate or help.
As part of my investigation to learn more about the
identities of the computer intruders, I filed a Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act request to review my FBI
file (as every citizen has the right to do). I knew that — at
the very least — my file would include information relevant to
my White House HARD PASS background checks and the computer
intrusion. But I got stonewalled.
The FBI could conceivably get away with claiming to not have
any records of somebody if they were a private person who never
did anything in the public eye to attract their attention. (That
you know of.) But in Sharyl’s case, she had been through the
full background check in the 90s to obtain approval for White
House access as a reporter. Did those records simply disappear?
Did the dog eat their homework?…
Sharyl Attkisson’s Scathing
Indictment of Obama for Ignoring Terrorism Intel
25 Nov 2015 - Independent investigative reporter and host of
“Full Measure,” Sharyl Attkisson is giving a blistering account
of what one source called Barack Obama’s potential “personality
flaw,” leading him to only see and believe what he wants to see
and believe when it comes to the global threat from terrorism –
that, as opposed to what ground operators are actually trying to
report to him.
This goes hand-in-hand with recent reports that up to 50
intelligence types claim the administration has been
systematically altering intelligence reports for political
reasons. She was a guest today on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News
Daily with host Stephen K. Bannon. According to Attkisson, her
sources say President Obama is “selective about what he wants to
hear and wants to believe when it comes to intelligence.” “I’ve
spoken with people who have dealt with the White House and feel
it’s a serious issue,” added Attkisson:
For example, one concrete thing we’ve seen as a result of
that is the President calling ISIS a ‘JV’ team when his ground
people say they never told him that. And you have to wonder who
he’s listening to and where he’s getting that information from
and why he continues to go with that versus the things being
told to him, or trying to be presented to him from ground level
intelligence – especially when he’s been proven to be so
thoroughly mistaken over and over again.
She also said one source described it as “a personality
flaw”, in essence, “the inability to open your mind beyond what
you want to hear, or what certain people are telling you to
understand the truth of the facts may be different than what
you’re hearing.” He is “very insulated by some key people who
protect him from information that he doesn’t want to hear….
That’s just the way he operates, apparently,” she concluded…
Stonewalled: One Journalist's
Fight against Obama's Washington
11-13-2014 - Emmy award-winning investigative journalist
Sharyl Attkisson's relentless pursuit of the truth put her at
the top of her field. It also brought her to the attention of
people in high places who wanted to shut her up. When Attkisson
delved into the Fast and Furious gun scandal, reported on the
disastrous rollout of Obamacare, then tried to uncover the truth
of what happened to four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, something
began to happen.
The Obama administration used hardball tactics to discourage,
block, and suppress her investigative work and she says her
bosses at CBS News did nothing. Most disturbing of all,
Attkisson said her computers and phone lines were hacked and
bugged by sophisticated parties most likely tied to the
government. Her new book, Stonewalled, is the story of the Obama
administration's efforts to monitor journalists, intimidate, and
harass opposition groups, and spy on private citizens.
"(The politicians) think they own your tax dollars," she
writes. "They think they own the information their agencies
gather on the public's behalf. They think they're entitled to
keep that information from the rest of us and ?they're bloody
incensed that we want it." Her book also exposes the sad state
of the press and the dangerous decline of investigative
journalism and truth telling in America today.
Obama’s Brutal War on the
Press: “Pentagon Manual Calls for Treating Journalists as
‘Unprivileged Belligerents.’”
Global Research, August 13, 2015 - Pentagon manual calls for
potentially treating journalists like ‘unprivileged
belligerents.’ It’s well documented that President Barack
Obama’s administration has been brutal in targeting
whistleblowers who leak information to the press. The Department
of Justice has spied on the Associated Press and Fox News to
track down sources of information. It has slid down the World
Press Freedom Index to 49th place, lower than several African
and South American countries.
Now a new Pentagon document, a Law of War Manual, states that
journalists can be treated like “unprivileged belligerents,”
which is apparently the new term for “unlawful combatants,”
which some may recall was the new term for “suspected
terrorists.” According to some media coverage of the manual,
military leaders are insisting they’re not declaring that
journalists are the enemy. Rather they’re pointing out that
journalists just might be the actual enemy, as in terrorists,
spies, and propagandists posing as journalists.
The Committee to Protect Journalists, however, is concerned
that the vagueness of the manual will give clearance to the
military to detain and harass journalists with very little
evidence that they’re doing anything but honest reporting:
This broad and poorly defined category gives U.S. military
commanders across all services the purported right to at least
detain journalists without charge, and without any apparent need
to show evidence or bring a suspect to trial. The Obama
administration’s Defense Department appears to have taken the
ill-defined practices begun under the Bush administration during
the War on Terror and codified them to formally govern the way
U.S. military forces treat journalists covering conflicts...
Ex-CBS reporter’s book reveals
how liberal media protects Obama
October 25, 2014 | 5:12pm - Sharyl Attkisson is an
unreasonable woman. Important people have told her so. When the
longtime CBS reporter asked for details about reinforcements
sent to the Benghazi compound during the Sept. 11, 2012
terrorist attack, White House national security spokesman Tommy
Vietor replied, “I give up, Sharyl . . . I’ll work with more
reasonable folks that follow up, I guess.”
Modal Trigger
Another White House flack, Eric Schultz, didn’t like being
pressed for answers about the Fast and Furious scandal in which
American agents directed guns into the arms of Mexican drug
lords. “G**dammit, Sharyl!” he screamed at her. “The Washington
Post is reasonable, the LA Times is reasonable, The New York
Times is reasonable. You’re the only one who’s not
Sharyl Attkisson: Lawsuit Will
Lay Bare Obama Harassment of Journalists
By Sean Piccoli | Tuesday, 06 Jan 2015 03:40 PM -
Former CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson told
Newsmax TV on Tuesday that her $35 million lawsuit against the
federal government won't stop this administration's bullying and
intimidation of journalists, but it will drag the unsavory
practices into the light for all to see.
Attkisson, who filed suit in Washington, D.C., alleging that
the Obama Justice Department hacked into her computer in
retaliation for her aggressive reporting, told "MidPoint" host
Ed Berliner that she is going to court to get "facts and
information" deliberately withheld by the government..."They'll
continue to do whatever they do," she said of the government,
which has denied the hacking.
Attkisson said she wants to "shed light on what happened, so
that when some computers are illegally intruded upon —
especially a journalist whose work and whose sources are
compromised — it should be [considered] a very serious things,
no matter where you stand." Finally, she said, a lawsuit that
doesn't end harassment of journalists might still make it
harder, and make officials think twice before attempting
surveillance of other reporters...
James Risen calls Obama
'greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation'
Sunday 17 August 2014 21.24 BST - The New York Times reporter
James Risen, who faces jail over his refusal to reveal a source
and testify against a former CIA agent accused of leaking
secrets, has called President Barack Obama “the greatest enemy
of press freedom in a generation”. Speaking to his colleague
Maureen Dowd, Risen accused the president of aggressively
pursuing journalists, including himself, who report sensitive
stories that reflect poorly on the US government.
Risen faces jail over his reporting of a botched intelligence
operation that ended up spilling nuclear secrets to Iran. The
Justice Department has long been seeking to force him to testify
and name the confidential source of the account, which is
contained in his 2006 book State of War. Risen recently failed
in an attempt to have the supreme court review an order for him
to testify, and acknowledges that he has exhausted all his legal
options against the Justice Department’s pursuit of him under
the controversial Espionage Act. In the face of incarceration
that could come as early as this autumn, he is resorting instead
to journalistic defiance...