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Obama "Seeking To Capitalize" On "Occupy Wall Street" Protests For His Campaign

October 17. 2011

Reports state U.S. President Barack Obama is attempting to capitalize on the "Occupy Wall Street" protestors and their pertinent and relevant message. However, President Obama needs to realize that sadly, he is apart of the problem. Former President George W. Bush started this crisis, but President Obama has propagated. He has given hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money to multi-national U.S. banks, financial institutions and other corporations, who are hoarding the money.  

Barack Obama

Obama needs to do his part in either getting that taxpayer money back or using legislation and the Justice Department to legally compel said corporations to invest the stimulus funds via hiring new employees and or adding new product lines, to stimulate growth. Hoarding is a massive road block to recovery and as the Judiciary Report stated over two years ago, proper controls need to be placed on stimulus funds, but the government simply did not do this. 

Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama

As a result, the taxpayers are getting burned in this bad deal. The IRS has not done enough to close loopholes in the tax code and taxes on the rich need to experience a small increase. It will raise billions of dollars towards hiring more unemployed people and reducing the deficit. Getting America out of this financial hole is not complicated. These measures have worked for other national and international governments in the past. Congress just does not want to do it.  


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