The Obama Administration Is Getting
The IRS Sued For Using The Agency To Target And Terrorize Political
Congressional Hearings Demanded
March 8. 2012

First Lady Michelle Obama And President Barack
Yesterday, March 7, 2012, at 4:24:00 AM, the Judiciary
Report published the article "The
IRS Is Woefully Late With Income Tax Returns Under The Obama
Administration." Several hours later, Fox News, the Christian
Science Monitor, The Cypress Times and numerous other websites announced,
Obama's IRS is being sued by the Tea Party for harassment, as directed by
the president. The people I know this happened to are not in the Tea
Party, but are law abiding, outspoken Obama critics.
President's Obama's inability to separate his personal
and political interests from what is best, regarding the overall
wellbeing of the country, is not an admirable trait. It's an alarming
one that should raise red flags. To misuse federal agencies, such as the
FBI and IRS to terrorize innocent people, for being outspoken political
opponents is wrong, immature, juvenile, small and not to mention,
illegal and unconstitutional.
Playing around with people's tax refunds and
discriminating against them, especially during times of economic
hardship, is a side of the president I never wanted to witness, as it is
an indication that his mind is on all the wrong things and he cannot be
trusted to do the right thing. Why did he do something like that. Is he
that consumed by revenge that he has so lost his way.
Tax refunds often go straight back into the economy, as
purchases stimulating financial growth. Car dealers, mortgage
institutions, universities, clothing stores, food stores and online
merchants benefit from citizen's tax refunds each year. They run
advertisement specials for it. They depend on it for a yearly first
quarter sales boost, as they do the Christmas sales rush later in the
year. Some people rely on their tax returns for medical and dental
It is very troubling and disturbing that the Obama
Administration could not put petty political differences aside, opting
to resort to this below the belt hit on citizens that lawfully and
peacefully do not agree with his political views. He is abusing his post
as President of the United States and he should be ashamed.
The last thing America needs is a vindictive president,
who is wasting precious time by focusing on revenge, in trying to
manipulate, intimidate and destroy fellow citizens, rather than working
on the economy and job creation as a whole, which benefits everybody. It
explains why the economy is still in a terrible state three long years
after he assumed office.
Once again, what was Obama doing meddling in people's
tax returns and refunds. Why is he playing with people's money and
during terrible times. It is unconscionable. Does Obama not have enough
scandals blighting his presidency into oblivion. At this point,
President Obama has become his own worst enemy and he needs to think
about that and change his behavior. People are watching.
Obama Deploys IRS To Stop Tea Party
Published 03/07/2012 - 8:02 a.m. CST - ACLJ urges Congress to launch
investigation - The Obama Administration is now coming after the Tea
Party using the fearsome power of the IRS. This president has led the
assault on State’s rights with a health care mandate that, if allowed to
stand, will give the federal government the unbridled power to tell you
what to buy, what to consume, and how much to pay.
This administration has trampled Freedom of Religion by forcing
faith-based organizations to violate their beliefs in compelling them to
join in the liberal conspiracy to make abortions, morning after pills
and even sterilizations available to all, free of charge.
This president’s Attorney General has put guns into the hands of
Mexican Drug Cartels. AG Holder has then obfuscated and suffered memory
losses before Congress the likes of which have not been seen since
Watergate. Those same guns have been used to kill Americans.
ACLJ to Represent Nearly 20 Tea Party Groups
Against the IRS Amid Intimidation Claims
Posted on March 7, 2012 at 5:14pm by Billy Hallowell Billy Hallowell
- ACLJ to Represent Tea Party Groups Against IRSIn February, The Blaze
asked, “Is the Obama administration using the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) to wage a war against opposition voices like the Tea Party?” The
question centered upon the allegations from numerous conservative groups
that the Obama administration is unfairly targeting them in an effort to
stifle their speech.
Now, The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is stepping
forward to represent nearly 20 Tea Party groups against what they
believe to be a coordinated partisan attack. According to the ACLJ, a
non-profit legal group that works toward “the ongoing viability of
freedom and liberty in the United States and around the world,” the IRS
asked questions that violate groups’ First Amendment free speech and
association rights.
“This appears to be a coordinated attempt to intimidate Tea Party
organizations by demanding information that is outside the scope of
legitimate inquiry and violates the First Amendment,” a press release
quotes Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the ACLJ, as saying. “These
organizations have followed the law and applied for tax exempt status
for their activities as Americans have done for decades.”