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New Photo Released From The Set Of Alec Baldwin Movie Set 'Rust' After The Shooting Death Of Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins

October 27. 2021

Photo of Alec Baldwin on the set of his movie "Rust" where cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was accidentally shot dead by the actor

A new photo has been released from the set of actor/producer Alec Baldwin's tragic film "Rust." Cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins, 42, was accidentally shot dead by Baldwin, 63, during a rehearsal, as someone left real bullets in the prop gun that was given to the actor.

Halyna Hutchins

Baldwin was practicing with the loaded prop gun in front of the camera, being operated by Hutchins, and he accidentally shot her in the chest. She died while being airlifted to the hospital. Director Joel Souza, 48, was also shot in the leg when the same bullet went through Hutchins and hit him in the leg. He was treated at the hospital and released the same day.

Alec Baldwin crying after accidentally shooting Halyna Hutchins

The new photo reveals Baldwin's character with the weapon in a church. I still don't understand Hollywood's sacrilegious obsession with engaging in violence and gunfire in church scenes, as seen in other despicably violent films such as the criminal copyright infringing "Kingsman." It also gives hateful people ideas to do the same. One year after the "Kingsman" was released with an added church massacre scene, hateful racist, Dylann Roof, went into a church in South Carolina and massacred 9 African-American Christians, killing them much the same as in the film. Nothing good comes of such evil imagery in film.

David Halls handed Baldwin the loaded gun and stated it was "cold" meaning it had no live bullets (but it did)

Hollywood, it's not a good thing you are doing engaging in sacrilege. It is spiritually inadvisable and socially irresponsible. Hollywood loves playing with the devil and when he starts playing with them back they don't like it. You are inviting evil and evil spirits into your lives and that of your families with this occult behavior and don't think it won't destroy you and everything around you.

The "Rust" film set

Hollywood has been rapidly going downhill. People all over social networking are asking why so many Hollywood stars and executives have been dying early, and left, right and center in tragedies, freak accidents and overdoses, among other things. You all have been calling yourselves "the Illuminati", openly worshipping the devil, stealing very valuable things and harming innocent people, and as I warned in an article on this site a couple years ago that evil you're playing with has cursed you and is destroying you and your industry. The calamities that have been happening to Hollywood makes the so-called "Kennedy Curse" (brought on by the extremely unethical conduct of patriarch Joe Kennedy) look like a blessing. Hollywood, you've gone too far.


Actor Alec Baldwin Fatally Shoots Cinematographer And Wounds Director On Film Set After Prop Gun Was Loaded With Live Ammunition (Video)

Hollywood Continues Its Downward Slide Into Satanism That Is Destroying The Entertainment Industry



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