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Nasty And Ugly Madonna Terrorizing And Threatening Famous Athletes And Entertainers For Their Money Whilst Forcing Them Into Sex Acts They Don't Want

January 14. 2022

Madonna looking ugly as usual

Lunatic, washed up pop singer, Madonna, criminally placed her ex-husband and his new wife under surveillance in a story I broke first that was later confirmed in the mainstream press (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children Confirming Previous Site Claims).

Madonna has been breaking the law in Britain in spying on her ex-husband, Guy Ritchie, in very sick and perverse ways. She even paid thugs to crash one of his film sets and in a separate incident illegally squat in his new home before he was to move in with Jacqui (whom he married).

Guy Ritchie never loved Madonna. She tried to trap him with a baby and that failed. Then she promised to make him a famous director with big deals at the company she's been signed to since the 1980s (Warner Bros). He would not have given her the time of day if it were not for that, as she's ugly.

Madonna continues to spy on Ritchie and his second wife, whom she is very jealous of over her looks. Madonna's son with Ritchie even prefers his stepmom to her, opting to run away and live with her and his dad in London, citing Madonna's child abuse.

Madonna should not have been allowed to steal and smuggle African children into her home, via deceit, for which she was globally slammed as a "baby stealer." Parents and other family members of the kids in Africa were horrified to learn that's who actually has custody of their children, as she did it so deceitfully.

Madonna is a deeply depraved, deranged, pedophilic, violent madwoman who should not be responsible for the care and wellbeing of any child. Not to mention, Madonna's cult has a number of pedophiles in it.

Madonna has expanded her madness in Britain to having private investigators and thugs stalk and harass football players, as they are young, popular and make a significant amount of money. Madonna has already destroyed the minds and careers of several footballer players, who used to play quite well, until she began bombarding them with emails, text messages, calls, threats and visits from thugs and lunatics in her cult. She surreptitiously has them wiretapped, phone hacked and computer hacked (among other things).

Madonna has been demanding huge sums of money from athletes in Britain and Europe. She has threatened, extorted and blackmailed people in criminal violation of the law, much like she did regarding Alex Rodriguez in America before insanely chasing off his wife and children with her invasive madness and harassment. His wife could not take Madonna's alarming, insane, psychotic, obsessive, relentless madness. So she divorce him and cited Madonna and her cult in the divorce papers.

Madonna has targeted heterosexual athletes and through her cult informed them they had to "suck other men" as a depraved initiation into her Kabbalah sect in order to continue playing in the sport they love or she'd have them kicked off their teams. Under the law that is known as rape. This has made them severely depressed and it is negatively impacting their game. She has caused them all sorts of psychological trauma forcing them into homosexual acts when they are heterosexual, as they don't want to lose their careers or be publicly disgraced by her madness.

Madonna has been sending private investigators and thugs to entertainers and athletes homes against their wishes (including those who reside with their families). She has been sending private investigators and thugs to stalk entertainers and athletes all over the place. In some instances Madonna sent thugs and private investigators to break into the homes of famous athletes and entertainers. In one incident an athlete was assaulted. In some break-ins there were deliberate acts of criminal vandalism/property destruction, as Madonna is disgusting and pathetic.

She has been damaging athletes with her sick conduct and impacting team results, all because she is greedy for their money and influence. She has insanely broken up relationships with lies and by sending people to threaten others. Madonna has threatened people's lives and that of their family members.

The FBI arrested Madonna's private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, (whom the FBI asked me for documents and statements against, which they used to help convict him). However, to show how lawless and sick she is, she simply hired new ones to continue breaking the law in very criminal and sick ways.

At the end of the day none of these entertainers or athletes want her. They've been calling her ugly and old behind her back. They hate her, but realize she is a lunatic hiring thugs to harm others, so they don't say anything and avoid her whenever they can.

The whole thing is going to erupt into a terrible scandal and the U.S. government is going to be "left holding the bag" for permitting one of its citizens, Madonna, to go into the world and inflict such horrendous damage. These athletes (among others) are worth more than Madonna.

Madonna has been illegally defrauding and threatening them out of money, not to mention illegally spying on and terrorizing them, which has damaged their teams' prospects for titles and their nations' for the Olympic medals.

Some of these athletes minds are so damaged from the abuse from Madonna and her cult, they aren't even playing well anymore and now have significant mental health problems. World governments are going to take the U.S. government to task for it in future developments, as there is proof they knew what Madonna has been doing and looked the other way to it (criminal negligence, ill will).


Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children Confirming Previous Site Claims

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