Nancy Pelosi Enlists Retired Military General To Assist
With Congressional Security After Riots Confirming Previous Site
ClaimsJanuary 28. 2021

Nancy Pelosi
I've been authoring articles for many months stating the U.S.
Congress is not safe. Then my prediction happened, as on January 6,
2021, there were riots at the Capitol building in Washington, that
left members of Congress scrambling for cover, in fear of their
lives (Democrats Announce Articles Of
Impeachment Against President Donald Trump Again Over Capitol Riots
While The FBI's Conduct Endangers The Legislature Confirming Previous
Site Claims).

Retired general Russell L. Honore (left)
On January 6. 2021, while the riots were happening at the Capitol
building, I tweeted on in a time stamped item, "I've
been stating it on my site that Congress is not safe. They should
not trust the FBI or CIA to do security either. Congress needs to
rely more on the military because they are in danger."

My time stamped tweet on prior to Pelosi seeking out
the military for assistance with congressional security
A few days later, U.S. House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, did just that. A
week later on January 15, 2021, Pelosi hired names retired general,
Russel L. Honoré, to advise Congress and create a security plan,
with the hope of keeping them safe. While every bit helps, as stated
again earlier this week, I still think the legislature is in danger.
Nancy Pelosi names retired general, Russel L. Honoré, for
security review before Biden's inauguration
Washington, United States Published: Jan 15, 2021, 10.45 PM - Russel
Honore has previously served as the commander of Joint Task Force
Katrina. More than a week after the Capitol riots conducted by the
soon-to-be-impeached US President Donald Trump's supporters, the US
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has asked a retired general to lead a
review of the security.
The decision has been taken by Pelosi a few days before the
inauguration ceremony of the President-elect Joe Biden, especially
after the FBI issued a warning about another such riot being planned
near the inauguration ceremony.
Pelosi has been an open critic of Trump since the start of his 2016
Presidency campaign. SHe also led the motion to impeach the
President for the second time — with the House once again deciding
in favour of his impeachment.
"We must subject this whole complex to scrutiny in light of what
happened, and the fact that the inauguration is coming," Pelosi
said. "To that end, I have asked retired lieutenant general Russel
Honore to lead an immediate review of security infrastructure,
interagency processes, and command and control."...