Mobile Phone Companies Come Out
Swinging At WHO Cancer Report
June 2. 2011

Telecommunications manufacturers upset with the World Health
Organization's findings released yesterday, which states there is a link
between cancer and mobile phones, are clinging to a two page report
released by the National Cancer Institute, proclaiming there is no spike in
brain cancer cases in America (
This is very convenient considering many global authorities, doctors and
scientists, have released a wide array of reports, stating there has been
and continues to be, a very noticeable increase in cancer rates all over
the world. How is it there has been well-documented and heavily publicized
data (see below), illustrating a discernible spike in breast, liver,
kidney, bowel and skin cancer, to name a few, yet mysteriously, brain
cancer, an illness that affects such a sensitive, massive and vital organ,
has allegedly shown no change in data in America, according to the National
Cancer Institute.
There is something amiss concerning components of the National Cancer
Institute's report. Cancer, a disease that can so permeate the body and
metastasize (spread), has seen rising rates in every major organ, but
mysteriously, according to the aforementioned report, there has been no
increase in brain cancer rates. I am of the belief, for whatever reason,
everyone is not being counted in the National Cancer Institute's report.
In light of the fact, on a government and corporate level, officials
were exposed for colluding to mislead the public on the true ill effects of
cigarettes and separately climate change, I question some of the findings
contained in the National Cancer Institute's report, as it does not square
with worldwide reports and disease developments.
Ironically, this same National Cancer Institute report that mobile phone
manufacturers are touting, does acknowledge there is an increase in brain
cancer cases among children in America, which mainstream outlets batting
for the mobile phone companies, glossed over yesterday.
I wrote about brain cancer and kids two days ago (World
Health Organization: Mobile Phones Promote Cancer), in relation to
mobile phone usage and the risk it poses for said demographic. I also wrote
about cancer, kids and mobile phones in 2005 on the Sound Off Column site.
The Sound Off Column article, was prompted by two of my friends'
children developing strange forms of brain cancer. The only thing I found
they had in common was mobile phone usage, as some young girls love to talk
to each other via this method. One of the girls nearly died. The brain
tumor was so rare and unlike anything local doctors had seen, she was sent
to a specialist in another state and given a 10% chance of surviving the
Her condition was so dire, they administered last rites to the preteen
before the operation to remove the abnormal growth in the brain of a
beautiful, brilliant, normal A student. By the grace of God, she did
survive the surgery and has lived another decade thus far. She is now 21
and attending a top university.
The National Cancer Institute also acknowledges, "Leukemias and
cancers of the brain and central nervous system account for more than half
of childhood cancers." The National Cancer Institute conceded in
writing, they do not know why there is a spike in brain cancer among kids,
but mobile phones are an avenue they should pursue in future studies.
I am of the belief, as are others, too many kids have mobile phones. As
I wrote in the aforementioned article years ago, companies advertise family
plans that allow individuals to cheaply purchase a phone for every member
of the family, including children. It has become a status symbol among kids
and you, as you are deemed uncool if you do not have a mobile phone. The
more kids use mobile phones, the greater the risk to their developing
Some doctors believe the fact that there are consumers that text more
and use the speaker phone and ear pieces, rather than holding the unit to
the ear/head, directly depositing radiation into the brain in closer
proximity to the organ, they are not as negatively impacted. However, the
radiation is still there, just at a further distance. Still, very few would
argue there is no risk in directly depositing radiation into your brain on
a constant basis. How can that be a good thing, given what we know about
There is so much radiation around us in our modern world (Cancer
Is Advancing). Mobile phones, wireless internet, satellite cable
TV, medical imaging and airport security (Scientists:
TSA Airport Radiation Doses Are Inaccurate). Not to mention,
some of the items going into our food to give it a picturesque appearance
and reduce caloric content, is toxic over time.
Childhood Cancers
Leukemias and cancers of the brain and central nervous system account
for more than half of childhood cancers (see Question 1). The causes of
childhood cancers are largely unknown (see Question 4). The National Cancer
Institute is funding studies examining the causes of and the most effective
treatments for childhood cancers (see Question 6).
Worldwide Cancer Rates on the Rise
January 2, 2009 - Cancer is predicted to rise worldwide mainly due to
the increase of tobacco use and more “Westernized” habits in developing
countries. By the year 2030 cancer is expected to more than double and in
2010 it is predicted to be the world’s largest killer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has completed a report
that examines the impact this increase will have on the entire globe.
The report’s findings are disturbing and include an increase in cancer
cases to 27 million and an increase in cancer deaths to 17 million. China,
Russia and India are expected to have the highest rate of increase of
cancer incidence and deaths and the overall global increase is expected to
be 1% per year. The report also points to tobacco use and obesity as the
leading causes of cancer in poorer countries in the years to come.
Study Predicts Huge Increase in Cancer Ahead
Monday, May 04, 2009 by: Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor - (NaturalNews)
Just when we're all saturated with alarming news about a pending flu
epidemic, new research from the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer
Center concludes a virtual epidemic of an even more dreaded disease --
cancer -- is headed our way. In fact, the scientists say over the next two
decades, the number of new cancer cases diagnosed each year in the U.S.
will increase by 45 percent. This dramatic spike in incidence is expected
to especially hit the growing older Baby Boomers and non-white populations,
with an amazing 100 percent increase in cancer expected for minorities.
Ohio can’t explain cancer spike
Published: September 29, 2010 3:00 a.m. - FREMONT, Ohio – A study
looking at whether radiation from homes, schools and industrial sites was
the source of child cancer cases in northern Ohio didn’t turn up any
answers, state health officials said.
Asia's cancer rates to spike by 2020
Posted 4/21/2007 5:04 AM - SINGAPORE — The number of cancer cases in
Asia is set to rise dramatically by 2020 due largely to longer life spans
and changing lifestyles, threatening a health crisis as poorer countries in
the region struggle to afford care.
Colon Cancer Spike Among Young Adults Alarming -
Cancer Hits People In Prime Of Life
UPDATED: 6:44 am EDT November 1, 2010 - ...Over the last two decades,
even though the overall incidence of colon cancer has dropped, the number
of cases diagnosed in people under the age of 50 – even under the age of
40 – has jumped dramatically.
Diagnoses in people under 50 has risen by 40 percent since the 1980s.
The number of rectal cancers diagnosed in people under 50 has increased 63
percent since that time, according to studies funded by the National Cancer
Institute. “There's a trend, and why that trend is there, nobody knows,”
said Dr. David Ryan of the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center.
Global rise in breast cancer due to 'Western
Thursday, 24 January 2008 - Of all the exports from our modern world,
breast cancer ranks as among the most dubious. Once thought to be a disease
of the rich, it is now a global epidemic. The rise of the cancer in Europe
and America – cases have jumped 80 per cent in the UK since the 1970s –
is being mirrored across the world. And scientists say increasing
prosperity and the "Westernisation" of traditional lifestyles is
to blame.
Liver cancer on the rise, CDC says
A new study out Thursday from the Centers for Disease Control finds the
most common form of liver cancer is on the rise. According to the May 5th
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, rates of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
in the United States increased from 2.7 cases per 100,000 people in 2001 to
3.2 cases per 100,000 people in 2006. The report also points out that
untreated hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections are responsible for about
78 percent of global HCC cases. Liver cancer is much more common in
developing countries than in the United States. Worldwide, it is the third
leading cause of cancer deaths. In the U.S., it's the eighth leading cause.
Study Finds Cellphones May Cause Cancer, but Brain
Cancers Have Not Spiked
June 1, 2011 - A study concluded there is a possible link between cell
phone use and cancer. Though a World Health Organization study concluded
cell phones may cause cancer, some are wondering why, if their truly is a
link, there not been a significant worldwide increase in brain cancers. The World Health Organization (WHO), whose International Agency for
Research on Cancer announced the results of its year-long study Tuesday,
estimates that there are 5 billion cell phone users globally, representing
nearly three-quarters of the world's population.
However, the incidence and mortality rate of brain and central nervous
system cancers has remained virtually flat since 1987, according to data
from the National Cancer Institute. The most compelling evidence cited by the WHO is a multi-country
study that found people who used cell phones most often, an average of 30
minutes per day over 10 years, had a 40 percent higher risk for a rare
brain tumor called a glioma.
Claims People With Vitiligo Have Skin Cancer Protection
TSA Airport Radiation Doses Are Inaccurate
Flu Reboot Being Attributed To Human Error
Flu Outbreak Baffles Governments (5-2-09)
Concerns Regarding Airport Scanning
Label Use - Part 2
Is Advancing