Megan Fox Dissed By Film Crew
Referred To As "Dumb As A Rock" And "Unbearable"
September 14. 2009

Megan Fox
Actress, only in name,
"The Mouth"
Fox, was handed a written smack down by the crew of the
Transformers films, due to her verbal abuse and ingratitude toward director
Michael Bay, who made her famous, when she can't even act.
Megan has called Bay everything from an exploitative director to Adolph
Hitler, prompting the vitriolic reaction from his film crew.

Megan: how dare those peasants speak to me like that!
Bay responded to the crew's missive by stating he does not approve of
their statements and looks forward to working with Megan again. Didn't this
Column tell you two months ago that
Michael Bay is in love with Megan Fox.

She cut down and disgraced him all over the world over the last few
months and his response is that of a teenage boy in love.
The fact of the matter is Fox is not instrumental to the success of the
Transformers films, as she is just there as eye candy. Bay has a thing for her
and that's what this is all about.

I was told by a very reliable source that he wants to marry her. It must
destroy him to know she's going around sleeping with different men in the
industry and overlooking a serious relationship with him.
His reaction to her comments criticizing and discrediting his work should
have been been, "You must like the unemployment line." Instead he
said he "still loves" working with her. Clearly, he meant he "still loves"
her. I would say aww, to that soppy statement, but really, I don't care.
EXCLUSIVE: Transformers Crew Calls Megan Fox "Dumb As A Rock"... "Unbearable"...
Megan Fox is being blasted - and that's an understatement -- by three
members of the Transformers crew who have posted an open letter defending their
boss Michael Bay on the director's official website. In it they ripped Megan
apart for her recent Wonderland magazine interview where she compared the
blockbuster director to "Hitler" and claimed he ran an "unsafe set."
The crew members, who worked with Megan on both Transformers flicks, wrote that
they've all had "the tedious experience of working with the dumb-as-a-rock Megan
Fox," and that they "had the unbearable time of watching her try to act on set."
She is, they say, "as ungracious a person as you can fathom."
The Bay loyalists pointed out that Michael "plucked her out of obscurity thus
giving her the biggest shot of any young actresses' life" yet she returns the
favor by comparing him to the world's most despised mass murderer. Two of the
crew members have also worked with Angelina Jolie, and they noted that Megan
seems to want to be her. But Angelina, whom they love, is "a professional"
something Megan is definitely not....
The crew members said there is never a "thank you" from Megan even when they
have to deal with the "awful silly Marilyn Monroe tattoo plastered on her arm
that we cover up."...
If the Transformers crew has their way her character will be "squished" in the
first 15 minutes of Transformers 3.
Michael Bay: "I Still Love" Working With Megan Fox
Posted on Sep 13, 2009 @ 09:22AM - ...Bay took the letter from his loyal crew members off his website and said:
"I don't condone the crew letter to Megan. And I don't condone Megan's
outlandish quotes. But her crazy quips are part of her crazy charm. The fact of
the matter I still love working with her, and I know we still get along. I even
expect more crazy quotes from her on Transformers 3. Michael"...