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Mariah Carey Fires Jay Z And His Roc Nation As Her Management And Tells Them Off Over Career Failures

June 7. 2021

Many recording artists and athletes have been leaving Jay Z's doomed Roc Nation

Troubled singer Mariah Carey has fired crack cocaine dealer turned rapper, Jay Z, and his corrupt Roc Nation company, as her management. Published reports indicate Mariah Carey also told off Jay Z and the Roc Nation staff. They destroyed her already damaged career, as they don‘t know what they are doing.

Years ago I warned Carey should not make Jay Z her manager. Carey, who reads the site, did so anyway and it finished off her career. Carey lost several years of her career in signing with Jay Z, as the items that were released were below the standard of her previous work in terms of quality. Every project she released while Jay Z was her manager completely flopped.

Jay Z does not know music or business. He is a crack cocaine dealer who used drug money to start a music production company to put out his profane, explicit, rubbish music that has no proper structure or quality.

I’ve written about this before on the site regarding people who have an ear for music and know how to pick hits, such as attorney/music executive Clive Davis, whom I don’t like, as he defrauds people out of money and royalties (Madonna's Mean Spirited Meddling In African-American Record Label LaFace Records Was Racist, Greedy And Evil).

There is such a thing as knowing how to pick a hit. I can hear a clip of a song or read some of its lyrics, see an excerpt of a music video, TV show or film, and tell you whether it will be a hit. I’ve repeatedly done so on this site, stating what would be a flop or a hit. I can also spot talent in athletes.

I’m not tooting my own horn. Just trying to illustrate it is something people work at for a long time, regarding spotting talent in others and their work, and what works best regarding them and their careers. When you love something you work at it, treasure it and try to make it better. People who love the arts and sports learn and treasure it. From that comes an ability to spot what works well.

People like Jay Z go into entertainment for money and fame. It is not because they love the art. The same goes for sport. Jay Z, who has no talent, declared himself a sports agent. Jay Z has been filmed, unbeknownst to him, faking it at sporting events, not even seeing plays because he is paying attention to other things. Then, when the crowd starts cheering over a great play, he stands up and claps pretending he is into it. What a fake. That’s pathetic.

Jay Z is also a thief who has been stealing people’s formal business plans and businesses, not understanding how to truly make the ventures work. Jay Z is very deluded. He and his wife Beyonce, don’t even have a basic high school diploma, but he stated his peers are men like the late Steve Jobs, who was a university educated genius.

Jay Z also stated brilliant financial mind, Warren Buffet, is his peer, when Jay Z is a thieving idiot who does not understand finance. He mimics and steals. That’s not a genius. That’s an idiot and criminal.

Jobs and Buffet are men with advanced university degrees that required an enormous amount of hard work and intelligence. Jay Z has never applied himself in life. Everything he has is from stealing, criminal fraud, coercion, bullying, threats and violence. He is a disgrace.

Side Bar: Carey’s issues with Jay Z are ironic. Carey‘s hands are not clean. The man who made her career, ex-husband and Mafioso, Tommy Mottola, resorted to illegal tactics to get her to the top of the charts. He falsified sales and engaged in payola to get her a string of unprecedented number one songs. Others in the industry have done something similar regarding their own careers (Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, among others).

I predict a government move is coming and music records will be reviewed and rewritten to reflect the fraud, as some number ones and sales records are fake and falsified. Same for the film industry.


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