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Madonna Jealous Of Jennifer Lopez Landing Alex Rodriguez After She Failed To Get Him And Has Been Trying Behind The Scenes To Break Them Up

June 20. 2017

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez

Jealous, crazy singer, Madonna had previously pursued handsome athlete, Alex Rodriguez, who was married at the time. Like that stopped her. Madonna has a deranged habit of going after married men, trying to destroy people's families (previously married Lenny Kravitz and Sylvester Stallone, among others).

Rodriguez's wife at the time, accomplished Miami psychologist, Cynthia Rodriguez, stated Madonna was using cult brainwashing in trying to make him like her in a romantic way. Rodriguez's brother confirmed the same, as they witnessed the damaging cult brainwashing that uses trances and music (Madonna's in this case) as triggers and mental assaults to create submission. It failed, as Rodriguez's vision still works and he saw Madonna up close (LOL). There's no amount of brainwashing that can sell Madonna as hot to anyone.

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez

Rodriguez is now dating beautiful Jennifer Lopez. Word in the music industry is Madonna is upset and trying to break them up. Madonna has a long held rivalry with Lopez. Many years ago during a dinner in Miami, someone mentioned Madonna's acting and everyone knows she can't act. Lopez responded regarding Madonna's so-called acting, "Don't spit on my craft."

Lopez's statement was an all out and deserved insult against Madonna's profound inability to act, which has seen her (Madonna) terrorize and bully directors such as Uli Edel and Robert Altman, actors such as Kevin Costner and Warren Beatty, as well as singer/actress, Whitney Houston, when her films flop or she failed to get roles she wanted (such as the lead in the "Bodyguard").

Jennifer Lopez

The story got back to Madonna regarding Lopez's statements and she has been warring with the actress ever since, as that's all the hag knows how to do (much like she terrorized Whitney Houston and Courtney Love out of jealously, due to their rising popularity at different times in music history).

Madonna is even more furious at Lopez for not only dating Rodriguez, whom she lusted after, but for landing Drake. Madonna humiliated herself by publicly going after rapper Drake, forcefully kissing him on stage. Drake gagged in front of a large arena full of people in response to Madonna's gross kiss. The story spread online disgracing Madonna. A couple years later, Lopez bats her eyelashes at Drake and he runs after her. The two dated briefly before breaking up, when Lopez moved on to Rodriguez.


Madonna has been going after young athletes, singers, actors and actresses. For example, a few years ago, Madonna got actor Idris Elba involved in the Kabbalah cult, in exchange for roles and promo on shows. More recently, in exchange for being photographed with Madonna and allowing her to put out items stating they are dating, for a placed article she paid a journalist to publish, she promised Idris Elba a big movie role using her contacts. Elba had to explain to his girlfriend that the photos of Madonna fawning over him and claiming they had a date, are a business arrangement to boost her profile among younger audiences, in exchange for a film role.

Another twisted fact about Madonna, as attested by lawsuits filed by different, unrelated people, when she is rejected she becomes angry, vindictive and vengeful. Madonna has threatened to ruin innocent people over not liking her. She has also been sued for terribly harassing people who rejected her sexual advances. What Madonna refuses to accept is these famous men she keeps chasing can have their pick of just about any beautiful woman they want. There are many beautiful women out there. Madonna is not one of them. Madonna's inflated ego does not reconcile with how she looks, as she has aged poorly and underwent so much plastic surgery, it has left her looking butchered and unnatural. She is not aging fabulously like Lopez, Halle Berry and Christie Brinkley, who could have any men they want.


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