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Madonna Adoption Denial Appealed

...Guess She Has To Offer More Bribe Money

April 4. 2009

She tries so hard to be Angelina Jolie and fails so miserably at it. She even sends out placed articles about herself, with Jolie's name in it, for top Google News search engine placement and attention. Anyone searching for Jolie's name online, will also get articles about Madonna, thanks to the paid for article placements by the latter.

Madonna is up to her pathetic old tricks again, in attempting to adopt another African child from Malawi for publicity, as she could care less about their nation and her actions show it.

The washed up wench is so clueless. The public has her off for these illegal adoptions that constitutes baby stealing and other deplorable misconduct she has committed. Public feedback has been awful.

Yet, she continues to do these things, thinking it means relevancy, publicity and public adulation, when people literally hate her. The comments regarding her have been vitriolic and virulent.

When actress Angelina Jolie and other Hollywood starlets adopted African babies, they were applauded. When Madonna tried it people wanted to throw her in a piranha tank.    

Angelina Jolie

Why? People saw right through it. The public firmly believes she is only doing this for publicity and not from genuine motive. She keeps bribing people to get what she wants, which is so ugly, unseemly, illegal and embarrassing. Such low class, trashy conduct is vulgar and vile.

Her sales keep plummeting lower and lower from her psychotic conduct, but the beast just keeps going with the failed publicity bids.

Then she attempts to project an image of nonchalance and not caring about the negative reactions, when it's the public that ceases to care about anything she does, hence her flat-lined sales.

She pays journalists and bloggers every week to place stories about her, in a futile bid at keeping her tarnished, disgraced name in the press and they consistently waste their column space on the untalented deviant, because they want the money.

But what good does it do when the public hates you. That's called flushing money down the toilet. She should Google herself and read the vicious public reaction.

Publicity does not = relevancy and public acceptance.

Side bar: wait until those kids grow up and start spilling their guts about all the sick, vicious things she does behind closed doors. The abuse allegations will surface. It will make "Mommy Dearest" look like "Little House On The Prairie." "Madonna Dearest" A/K/A "Mommy Dearest The Sequel."




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