A few years ago, Lindsay Lohan was humiliated when a strange email she
wrote was hacked and published. In it she alleged former Vice President Al
Gore would do anything for her and all she had to do was ask. Gore denied
it and Lohan was branded a lunatic.

Al Gore
Fast-forward to this month and Democrat, Lohan, a so-called actress, is
in more political trouble again, after targeting connected Republican
government aide, Christian LaBella. Lohan approached him at a bar and told
LaBella he is going to come back to her room at the W Hotel in New York
City, with her and a few friends. He unwisely complied.

Christian Labella and Vice Presidential candidate Paul
Shortly after returning to the hotel with Lohan and her four friends,
she flipped out in one of her schizophrenic rages and began attacking and
accusing LaBella of taking videos and pictures of her in the hotel room.
Lohan states LaBella threw her on the bed and began punching and choking
her, then fled the room. It's usually schizophrenics that try to choke

Christian Labella
Police were called to arrest LaBella, but have since voided his arrest
and refuse to pursue the matter any further, disbelieving Lohan's account
of what transpired in the room. The Judiciary Report is of the belief Lohan
knew exactly who LaBella is and loving controversy and caustic publicity,
decided to stir up trouble. You know, most people just tell others to go
out and vote, not try to sabotage a political party in a set up.
Lohan’s Constant Thefts And Reckless Car Accidents Is A Blight On The
Legal System’s Name And Image
Bynes Denial About The Drug And Alcohol Problems Destroying Her Life And