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Liberals Worried About Sotomayor Pick

May 28. 2009

Judge Sonia Sotomayor, Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama (Washington Times)

Yesterday, it was the conservatives that were worried about President Barack Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor. Today, it's the liberals that are voicing their concerns that Sotomayor is too far to the left in her views.

EDITORIAL: A judge too far

Nominating Sotomayor reveals the president's true colors

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - With his nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the U.S. Supreme Court, President Obama has abandoned all pretense of being a post-partisan president. While he may like to think of himself as a thoughtful moderate soaring above the issues that divide America, his actions reveal what hides under that hopeful lining.

Presidents usually nominate judges that espouse their philosophy. So what does this nomination tell us about Mr. Obama's true colors?

Even the liberal establishment worries that Judge Sotomayor tilts too far to the left. New Republic essayist Jeffrey Rosen reports that fellow liberals who have watched or worked with her closely "expressed questions about her temperament, her judicial craftsmanship, and... [they have said] she is 'not that smart and kind of a bully on the bench.'"

A suspiciously high number of her decisions have been overruled by higher courts. Wendy Long of the Judicial Confirmation Network said that record shows "she is far more of a liberal activist than even the current liberal activist Supreme Court."...




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