Letter From Police Officer Reveals The FBI
Killed Malcolm X (Videos)
February 22. 2021
For over a decade on the site I've discussed in
articles the fact the white supremacist law enforcement agency, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), whose sick criminal conduct I
have seen up close, murdered the late civil rights hero and Nobel
Peace Prize winner,
Martin Luther King,
on April 4, 1968. Evidence has now been unearthed regarding the FBI
killing the late civil rights activist, Malcolm X.
Famed civil rights attorney, Benjamin Crump,
presented evidence this past weekend of a letter by former New York
Police Department undercover officer, Ray Wood, who revealed the
FBI, with the assistance of the NYPD, killed Malcolm X on February
21, 1965. For 46-years Wood feared the FBI would murder him if he
revealed the truth about what really occurred.
Former FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, was a nasty
piece of work. He was a man who saw black people as slaves, even
though slavery had long allegedly ended in America. Hoover's FBI
operated under the guise that black people were not to amount to
anything in society and if so, must be killed at all costs.
The soulless FBI hasn't changed one bit, still
adhering to the demonic, racist and abhorrent blueprint Hoover left
behind. The FBI are still a bunch of dirty, racist, slavetraders
masquerading as a law enforcement agency (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
I was the first to warn that the FBI placed modern
civil right activists, Black Lives Matter, under illegal
surveillance and have been utilizing COINTELPRO tactics in bids at
destroying them (FBI
Has Been Spying On Black Lives Matter As I Previously Stated
The FBI has been pushing Black Lives Matter leaders
to suicide, as they tried to do to Martin Luther King Jr, via the
infamous and arrogant suicide letter they sent him. Five Black Lives
Matter leaders have already died over the past couple years in
suspicious circumstances.

Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X
COINTELPRO was and still is a sick program the FBI
enacted in the 1960s to "neutralize" as they call it, prominent,
accomplished and or outspoken black people (as well as Hispanics and
Asians, arrogantly and erroneously deeming minorities inferior to
white people). And when all else failed, any black person that
survive the FBI's sick human rights abuses, was outright murdered by
the agency.
The FBI and its equally evil sister agency, the CIA,
are the reason the world does not take the U.S. government seriously
when it stands up to lecture the globe on human rights and how to
live. The FBI and CIA have more blood on their hands than any other
living entity.
The FBI and CIA have toppled world governments by assassinating
duly elected leaders in brutal fashion. They've kidnapped and
tortured people all over the world, including children. They
illegally spy on, steal from, bully and blackmail businesspeople in
the international community. The FBI and CIA are not good people.
They are a danger to humanity and the stability of the world.
Malcolm X’s family reveals
letter they say shows NYPD, FBI assassination
Feb. 22, 2021 at 5:27 p.m. EST -
Family members of Malcolm X have revealed a letter
written by a New York police officer that they say
shows the NYPD and the FBI were behind the 1965
assassination of the famed Black leader.
The 2011 letter by the now-dead
officer, Raymond A. Wood, stated that Wood had been
compelled by his supervisors at the New York Police
Department to coax two members of Malcolm X’s
security team into committing crimes, leading to
their arrests just a few days before the
assassination. They were then unable to secure the
entry to New York’s Audubon Ballroom, where Malcolm
X had been speaking when he was killed.
Malcolm X didn’t fear being killed:
‘I live like a man who is dead already.’ Wood
maintained that the arrests were part of a
conspiracy by the NYPD and the FBI to murder Malcolm
X, who had become disenchanted with the Nation of
Islam and left the Black separatist group to start
his own organization, the Muslim Mosque.
“I was a black New York City
undercover police officer between May of 1964
through May of 1971,” Wood’s letter began. “I
participated in actions that in hindsight were
deplorable and detrimental to my own black people. …
Under the direction of my handlers, I was told to
encourage leaders and members of the civil rights
groups to commit felonious acts.”
Wood said he was hired by the NYPD
to infiltrate the civil rights groups “to find
evidence of criminal activity, so the F.B.I. could
discredit and arrest its leaders.” He said that he
threatened to resign but that his supervisors said
if he did, they would charge him with false crimes.
His supervisors, Wood said, concocted an alleged
plot to bomb the Statue of Liberty that implicated
the members of Malcolm X’s security detail and led
to their arrests...
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