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The Terri Schiavo Case
In my humble opinion, the Terri Schiavo case is one of the worst cases I have ever read about. It was presided over by Judge George Greer who many want impeached. There's a campaign to do just that. Click the following link to sign the campaign and read the sheer number of laws and judicial cannons Judge Greer violated. http://www.petitiononline.com/ijg520/petition.html He made the judicial system look merciless and corrupt to the entire world, who openly questioned in various domestic and international publications how something like that was allowed to happen. Many around the world began to publicly question the integrity of the justice system after his decisions that lead her to starve to death. Oversight There are domestic judicial oversight committees and the United Nations has special sections referring to judicial misconduct all around the world in hopes of eradicating this problem. There are also grassroots campaigns such as J.A.I.L. (http://www.jail4judges.org/) aimed at cleaning up the judicial system with respect to judges. In Closing It is my prayer to God, that by His grace, this will be a year of change and improvement in the judicial system, where the unjust are replaced by God’s grace, with people who will preside over cases impartially and with integrity. At a time when public confidence in the judicial system is at an all time low, judicial corruption and misconduct need to be addressed. TERRI SCHIAVO Terri Schiavo died after 13 days with no food. My condolences to her family - her real family, as her husband's behavior was so questionable. When you vowed before God until death do us part, the Lord didn't want you to accelerate the death part. Some have made it into an issue as being promoted by the right to lifers. Why do some conspiracy theorist have to assume everything has some ulterior motive. It's sad how some right to die groups jumped on this and made him their poster boy, rather than looking at the helpless woman who was misused, whose wishes we truly did not know. People even brought up the political aspect - I didn't even realize there was one. What I saw was a woman facing a painful death and a distraught mother on television begging for her daughter to be saved, her life spared, as though the poor lady was a criminal facing execution. Terri was not a criminal, but died like one. No one wants to be starved and dehydrated to death. It's a cruel way to die. Her condition was misclassified. I saw two nurses on Fox News who spoke out about her husband's questionable conduct and the fact that she would try to speak to communicate. One of the nurses said earlier he would send her flowers to thank her for helping him, ask her advice and said to her he wasn't sure what Terri wanted (whether or not she wanted to have the plug pulled). After seven years, he met and began living with another woman, who he now has two kids with. This was the time when he told Terri's parents he wished to have her feeding tube removed. Hospital staff interviews revealed her husband earlier referred to her as "the bi*ch" and kept asking "when is that bi*ch going to die." He placed her in a hospice with no rehab and "requested the lights and television in her room be kept off and the shades closed." According to television reports, he collected a 1 million dollar settlement that he spent, with very little of it going to Terri's care. The fact of the matter is we don't know what she wanted, therefore it was best to "err on the side of life" as the President said. There was no will, therefore it was all hearsay. What if it was not her wish to be starved and dehydrated to death for two weeks and all that happened? On the episode of Neil Cavuto's show that I mentioned earlier in the column, he featured Kate Adamson, author of the book "Kate's Journey." She too had a feeding tube for a time, however, her husband was very supportive. He did not want her to die and she was eventually nursed back to health. Adamson recalled on the show how she was unable to speak, but aware of what was going on around her. I've always felt people in that state are cognitive and aware, even though they are unable to verbally communicate. She said she felt terrible hunger pains when her feeding tube was removed and went without food for 8 days. She said though she could not speak she was screaming on the inside for them to reinsert the tube because she was suffering without food. The tube was reinserted and she is now okay. Her husband, Steve Klugman, played a role in her recovery. However, he expressed his disapproval of Terri's husband stating if you care about someone "you don't kill them in such a manner." The Incapacitated Person's Legal Protection Act of 2005 I made mention of in the last Sound Off Column was passed. Good on all of you that supported it. I see it as Terri's legacy - that incapacitated people will now have more rights and not be left to other people's mercies and whims. It was good watching the voting process that brought it into being. I have an aunt and friends who are disabled and I'd hate to know that someone made a decision that went against their wishes because they were unable to properly communicate what they wanted. Therefore, I view the bill as something good. It is my prayer that God will help the Schiavo family through this difficult time of bereavement. |
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