Jay Z Helped To Bring Anthony Joshua Down In
Suspect And Historic Boxing Defeat
June 12. 2019

Anthony Joshua (left) and Andy Ruiz (right)
British boxer Anthony Joshua faced American fighter
Andy Ruiz on June 1, 2019 at Madison Square Garden in New York. It
was billed as Britain vs. America, with the flags of each respective
nation positioned behind the corresponding fighters on the poster.
Joshua was born and raised in London, England (of Nigerian descent).
Ruiz was born and raised in California (of Mexican descent).
Chiseled Joshua was 22-0. Ruiz was 34-1. A
year prior, Joshua defeated fellow heavyweight, Joseph Parker, a man
who soundly beat Ruiz. Yet, Joshua, who did not look himself the day
of the fight, was beaten by Ruiz, who managed to knock him down 4-times.
The whole fight was strange, which is a sentiment echoed by boxing
professionals and fans alike.
I heard a threat was issued prior to the fight (not
by Ruiz or Joshua's promoter Eddie Hearn). The threat came from the
last place you would think. I had warned nearly
2-years-ago that Joshua would fall, which I wrote in the September 17, 2017
article "Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty
Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel
Kaluuya)." It wasn't a wish, but a warning, and
sadly one he failed to heed.
In my article nearly 2-years ago I stated, "Madonna, Jay Z and their stupid Kabbalah cult have been doing
very questionable things in boxing. They don't know about boxing, but are
meddling in it in a bad way behind the scenes. Mark my words, Madonna, Jay Z and
their cult are going to bring Joshua and boxing crashing down via their madness,
meddling and ignorance. Jay Z also recently got involved in boxing claiming he
is a promoter when he doesn't know squat about the sport, which has already led
to several lawsuits against him, with claims of financial fraud, breach of
contract (breach of promise) and other acts of dishonest businesses dealings
that harmed boxers careers."
Now nearly 2-years after my warning about Madonna, Jay Z and
that cult, who call themselves "The Illuminati" bringing Joshua crashing down, it has happened. Global
newspapers and website articles about the fight are calling it the
fall of Anthony Joshua. A brutal piece was done by former IBF
champion, Glenn McCrory, pronouncing Joshua, "Finished... he
let himself and the nation down" (see article
excerpt below). That's a lot for him and his family to deal with
under the current backlash.

Anthony Joshua during his bout against Andy Ruiz
There are a few items I've since found out about the
fight, from my reliable sources
responsible for some of my
site exclusives that later proved
completely true. The FBI was meddling in Joshua's Miami
training camp in May 2019. The FBI was in and out of Joshua's
training camp in Miami. The FBI was also at the Joshua vs. Ruiz
fight on June 1, 2019 at Madison Square Garden. The truth about that
whole thing is going to come out. Then the FBI can explain to houses of legislature what they were doing
meddling in boxing. It's not what Congress pays the FBI $9 billion
per year in taxpayer money to do.
While Joshua was in Miami, Jay Z and Meek Mill
decided they are filmmakers (even though they're not) and they're going to do a documentary on
him. They followed Joshua around Miami during his training camp and
were a massive distraction, while they exploited him. I saw the so-called documentary after
the fight. Jay Z and company are such frauds. That was not
a real documentary. Furthermore, Jay Z and Meek Mill know nothing
about filmmaking. Not to mention, they know nothing about boxing.
Jay Z and company did Anthony a few promotional favors previously,
so he is beholden to them. Madonna's sick cult also has dirt on
Anthony from illegally spying on him via private investigators and
hackers (blackmail).
Jay Z didn't want Anthony to win the fight. He
wanted Ruiz to win. It was unwise of Anthony to be listening to Jay
Z and allowing the rapper's distractions into his life during such
an important training camp for him. Losing that fight has cost
Anthony at least $150,000,000 regarding what he can command in
future outings to fight Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury as an
Even before the fight, I did state on Twitter more
than once that this is not the fight people want to see. The whole
thing was anticlimactic as Ruiz is not really known, and it was not
the Joshua vs Fury or Wilder fights people wanted to see, which
would have generated far more money and acclaim. As it stands, Ruiz
is demanding $50,000,000 for a rematch, where he only made
$5,000,000 off the first fight. Anthony will lose millions on the
rematch. It would also have been better to lose to Wilder or Fury,
because as former champion Glenn McCrory and others in sports have
publicly stated, Ruiz is not an "elite" or top fighter.

Anthony Joshua in an awkward knockdown by Andy Ruiz
For some background on the next matter, previously
I'd gone to the FBI in Miami, regarding Madonna and her private
investigator, Anthony Pellicano, illegally wiretapping my phone,
hacking my computers and harassing me via thugs and crazy cult
members she repeatedly sends to approach, harass and threaten me in
public settings (supermarkets, malls, libraries, restaurants,
bookstores, parks, on trains, in parking lots).
The FBI arrested Madonna's private investigator
4-months after they interviewed me and obtained documents and spoken
testimony regarding their behavior. The FBI obtained a conviction
against him and his staff (4 hackers, thugs and a telephone company
worker) using items I gave them.
I also filed a similar, mirror complaint with the
Metropolitan Police in London, England, regarding Madonna and Rupert
Murdoch, in what triggered the phone hacking scandal 6-months later
(Madonna had engaged in commissioned stalking, harassment and
copyright theft during that 6-day trip I took to London and as soon
as I returned to Miami, angered by what had transpired, I filed a
complaint with the FBI and Met Police). Some of Murdoch's employees
were also arrested and imprisoned.

My tweet the day after the fight. However, I
have since found out a threat was issued before the fight.
As soon as Madonna thought the coast was clear, she
began hiring other private investigators and hackers to spy on and
harass me (and others) again. She has never stopped the criminal
behavior. Madonna's
arrogance stems from the fact she bribed former FBI Director Robert
S. Mueller (for more information please read:
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead).
In past articles I have stated that weirdo Madonna
has been spying on me for a while now and refuses to stop. She is a
sick, depraved lunatic and pervert. In 2017 article "Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty
Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel
Kaluuya)" I also discussed Madonna's sick spying and
commissioned harassment and stalking.
Years ago Joshua had followed me on Twitter (before
he became champ) and I followed him back. I encouraged him with his
boxing and implored him to take the straight and narrow path in
life (a few years prior he was arrested for selling marijuana and
got kicked off the Olympic team, but a coach felt sorry for him and
got him reinstated). I saw his potential before he became champ and wanted him to
do well, so I encouraged him on Twitter. I was very kind to him (as I am to most people). All the
things I told him to do panned out well for him.

Jay Z and Madonna who co-own the flopped, failing music
streaming company Tidal, began criminally meddling in boxing after they noticed
Anthony Joshua doing well and making millions. Jay Z started Roc Nation sports
and damaged the careers of many athletes, some of whom sued him in court for
being a greedy liar and fraud, who is inept and incompetent. Some of the fights
Jay Z got involved in had very suspect outcomes that had boxing fans on social
networking calling them rigged.
In the aforementioned article I also stated "Madonna, via Jay Z, also sent Joshua invasive items that
violated my privacy. In light of the cult circling him and that they sent him
and some of the people in his circle invasive items regarding me, I unfollowed Anthony Joshua in 2014. He was upset about it, but
I didn't like how Madonna's cult started circling him, especially Jay Z."
There are a number of things that happened regarding
me that I did not disclose publicly, but Joshua knew about them,
because Jay Z and company told him. However, this is not the best time to discuss
those things publicly. However, rest assured, I will at a future date.
Remember months ago when
I stated in an article that
I'd spoken to my cousin in London over the phone and via What'sApp
in September of 2018, regarding spending our mutual birthday of
November 8th on Miami Beach (I live in Miami, but not for much
longer, as I'm disgusted with Madonna and company's criminal conduct). My cousin,
who is a busy doctor, wanted a vacation and thought it would be a good
idea to come to Miami Beach.
My mom suggested the restaurant we could have our
birthday dinner at on Miami Beach. Then, Joshua showed up out of
nowhere at the hotel where the restaurant is housed. Then, days
later, after I wrote something on Twitter about Jamaica, my
homeland, which may have accidentally given the false impression I
was there at the time, he went out there as well during my birthday week as
There was another thing that occurred after that
happened. Months later on
April 11, 2019, I spoke to my sister over the phone (who lives in
Jamaica) on her birthday, as
I do every year. She told me she's coming to Miami Beach in May 2019
for a week with her friends, as one of them is getting married. It
was a week of bachelorette activities. So my sister and I made
arrangements to meet up on Miami Beach. Lo and behold, Joshua shows
up again on Miami Beach during that time. He decided to have a
portion of his boxing training camp on Miami Beach, when it's always been
in Sheffield, England for years. Jay Z is relaying information to
Anthony and he keeps popping up at times and places I arrange to meet my
family members from out of town.

Sports commentator Stephen A. Smith tweeted and spoke about
the Joshua vs. Ruiz fight
Another example of Madonna illegal spying on me,
via paying private investigators, occurred on my most recent trip to
London, when I was there for 6-months. It was only supposed to be
for roughly 6-weeks. However, the trip was elongated due to Madonna
criminally interfering in my business while I was there, much like
she did on a previous trip to London that ended up being 6-months as
well, when each visit was only slated to be roughly 4-6 weeks.
I love London, but Madonna's commissioned criminal
behavior caused me a great deal of stress on those trips, ruining
them, as the whole time I was concerned about my mom in Miami and
worst of all, the dirty interference from vile, ugly Madonna was
interfering with my patent work (forthcoming pharmaceutical drugs).
The stress from it all was causing me to have heart
palpitations/chest pains and my skin
allergies flared up, because of the impact of stress on my immune
system (for one week it looked like I had hives). In forthcoming
items I will discuss in full detail what Madonna criminally
commissioned while I was in London and how it also endangered my life. It
was evil, racist and vile.
Madonna spied on me in London via commissioned
criminal acts. I later outed insane Madonna for
illegally spying on her ex-husband
and his new family in London, in an
exclusive I wrote on this site,
which the mainstream press later confirmed as 100% true. Madonna is
a full on lunatic, madwoman and absolute loser to be spying on
people. It is a serious mental disorder. What kind of pathetic degenerate does something like that.
While I was in London, Madonna was insanely doing
her level best to disrupt my personal life, financial accounts (they
were all hacked) and interfered in my business in a criminal way.
While I was in London, Madonna had her private investigator and cult
members phone hack me, hack my computers (and my aunt's internet
connection) and stalk me every time I stepped out of the house. On
some occasions they criminally approached me as well and made
threats. However, the threats Madonna sent people to stalk and
approach me with, occurred far less when
I was in London.
When I'm in Miami, Madonna's insane, vile
criminal threats and terrorization happens on a weekly basis and in
some cases it turned violent (they tried to run me over with
vehicles, in one incident she sent someone that grabbed me by the
back of the neck and began issuing threats, in another incident she
sent someone that grabbed me by the arm and was trying to pull me
away and I started screaming, which made him let go and run.
When I was in London, the stalking Madonna
commissioned was still vile. For example, when I would
go for walks at night for exercise, walking along Hampstead Heath in
London, usually beginning at 7 or 8 PM (it was very therapeutic and
a stress reliever for me being out in the cool fresh air among all
that beautiful greenery), Madonna's hackers would hack my phone and
turn on the GPS. I discovered this one day when I had completed my
walk and looked at my phone to see how long I had been walking, only to find out that the GPS
I'd turned off for security reasons and locked the screen, as
security experts state
stalkers use them to track victims they criminally target, had been hacked and turned
back on.
When I looked at my phone there was a map on the
screen with a moving arrow (something I had never seen before). I
thought to myself, "What is this?" Then I looked at it properly. The
moving arrow on the map was me. Madonna's hackers had hacked my
phone and turned the GPS back on to track my movements. The moving
arrow was the address of the exact spot I was standing outside a
small store. To confirm what I suspected, I walked a few more feet
and stood in front of another store, and the arrow on the map began
moving to exactly where I was walking. Madonna's repeated acts of
invasion of privacy is disgusting, creepy and sick (not to mention
highly illegal). She is depraved and demonic.

More tweets by sports commentator Stephen A. Smith about the
Joshua vs. Ruiz fight
Fast-forward to the present. Jay Z and company have
given Joshua a lot of bad advice and it has brought him down. They only sought to exploit him,
as the cult demands money from people like him (whereas I never
asked him for anything). Jay Z had lied to Anthony telling him he
was going to be a billionaire. I alluded to it in the July 6, 2017
article "Jay Z Lied About Loaning Kanye West $20,000,000 And Continues To
Give Artists And Athletes Very Bad Advice That Is Causing
Now that Joshua lost the fight to Ruiz, his
endorsements are in jeopardy and he can't command as big a purse for
the Ruiz rematch (which was placed in the contract prior to the
fight). This month it was stated Joshua's net worth is an estimated
$60,000,000 (that does not account for proper tax payments in
London, which is up to 45% in that tax bracket). 2-years prior in the July 6, 2017 article "Jay Z Lied About Loaning Kanye West $20,000,000 And Continues To
Give Artists And Athletes Very Bad Advice That Is Causing
Trouble" I stated
bad advice from Jay Z has a boxer (I was referring to Joshua)
spending above his means, fully believing he will be a billionaire,
in what will cause him damage.
I wrote that because 2-years ago I'd read on Twitter that Joshua
went out and bought a $50,000,000 house in London in 2017 (his net
worth was not even estimated to be $60,000,000 at that point). I stated 2-years
ago that it was not a good idea buying such an expensive property in
his income and tax bracket.
He bought a mansion 2-years ago that exceeded his net worth. Not to
mention, the mortgage payments, council tax, insurance, utilities,
and other property related upkeep on a $50,000,000 house can easily run a
person $3,000,000 per year. In 5-years that's $15,000,000. He also
has other financial obligations.
Not to mention, since that time, all the Brexit
problems that have hit Britain (the nation's planned exit from the
European Union), have sent property values down
(which I warned for years on this site would happen). The mansions in London have
lost the most value of all the properties in Britain. A few months ago I read about a mansion in
London where the sellers had to slash £15,000,000 from the asking
price to get it sold (roughly $20,000,000). There are other London mansions where the
owners have slashed the prices by £10,000,000 or more in trying to
get them sold. More proof Brexit was a bad idea and one Britain
needs to back away from completing. Call it off.
But I digress, when I wrote the article July 6, 2017
article "Jay Z Lied About Loaning Kanye West $20,000,000 And Continues To
Give Artists And Athletes Very Bad Advice That Is Causing
Trouble" of course some probably wrongly
thought I was being a
hater, but I've never been that. I saw where this mess was going and
realized his mortgage would be at risk of sliding into what is
known as negative equity.
I also knew Joshua's cash flow would slow up.
He is at that juncture now. The house is worth at least £10,000,000
less than he bought it for 2-years ago. If he tries to sell it, he
will have to pay the bank at least £10,000,000 in negative equity to
get it sold. If he keeps it, as stated above, it will be at an
expenditure of roughly $3,000,000 per year. If this Brexit chaos
continues, London mansion values will continue to decline.
For perspective you would need to understand the
environment I grew up in. My dad started as a professional football
player, then went into coach. Then went into the music industry. I
grew up around legendary athletes, musicians, singers, songwriters,
producers, record label owners, career management company owners,
and politicians (my dad has also been very involved in politics for
decades). I saw and heard stories my whole life about numerous
famous and rich people going through ups and downs regarding their
money. I've heard all the warning stories since I was a teenager
about famous family friends regarding what worked for them and what
did not, in reference to their finances and career growth.
I was trying to help Anthony avoid certain mistakes. However, Joshua followed Jay Z's
bad advice of buying a
very expensive property (Jay Z had also done the same at that time
in America), taking on too much other additional debt, and has now
hit a career decline with serious questions regarding how he will
pay for all these financial obligations. He could end up broke.
Contrary to what has been stated, Jay Z is
not a billionaire. He does not have the cash or assets to equate to
one billion dollars or more. Jay Z is a man who has been caught
red-handed and more than once, lying about the value of things in
his possession. Jay Z lied about the value of Rocafella in
stating it is worth $125,000,000, when an audit by a potential buyer
exposed the fact it was only worth $25,000,000.
Jay Z likes to make things up. Jay Z also landed in trouble with the SEC for lying that
a company
he bought for a small sum, called Iconix, was all of a sudden worth $600,000,000. It has resulted in a
criminal investigation. Jay Z repeatedly dodged the SEC subpoena,
until he was faced with the prospect of prison for defying the
judge's orders. He left the SEC's office looking shaken.
Jay Z is a con artist and thief. He is not worth
anywhere near a billion dollars or more, and neither is his wife
Beyonce. The full truth about that will come out in government
papers in the future and the crooked couple will have a lot of
explaining to do, regarding why they repeatedly lied to the public.
Joshua should not have been taking advice from him.
Joshua also has a huge entourage he pays for, which
is costly (something similar bankrupted rapper McHammer in the
1990s). Joshua has taken them to many places around the world and at great expense.
There are times the bill has reached 5 and 6 figures. These things
add up. While some of his friends are genuine, some in his entourage
are leeches, using him for fame and money.
Joshua also has a company he started to manage his career
and there are
expenditures associated with it as well (staff, office space,
attorneys, accountants ect). He also has to pay for a coaches and
trainers. He has a lot of bills and took on far too much too fast,
which I warned against years ago, but listening to dumb dumb Jay Z,
he is now heavily in debt and his career has hit a decline.
London is one of the business capitals of the world.
There are many highly intelligent financial advisers in London. Yet,
Joshua is taking his financial advice from Jay Z, who doesn't even
have a high school diploma and is a violent, thieving
criminal, who bankrupted other athletes. Crazy Jay Z even caused Alex Rodriguez to
be sued for $500,000, after the idiot told A-Rod he didn't have to
pay legal fees. What kind of moron tells someone they don't have to
pay their lawyer. The lawyer sued Rodriguez and won. This is the
kind of idiot Joshua and select others are listening to and to their
own detriment.
Joshua should not be taking financial advice from
Jay Z and that cult, as they are thieving criminals, who do not
create wealth. They steal wealth. They've stolen companies,
copyrighted business plans, and valuable copyrights and trademarks, which
serious financial crimes). They are idiots who are headed for a
massive, unprecedented financial and social fall that will make the
world shudder. And they are going to drag Joshua down with them.
The advice and help I gave
Anthony that all his followers on Twitter saw as did mine, benefited him in many ways. I never asked for anything in
return. I don't want anything from him. My hands are clean in all of
this. However, he should not have listened to the foolishness Jay Z and
company told him, as they've led him astray financially, mentally
and spiritually.
Now he has fallen and the damage to his career, name
and finances is massive. I am saddened by what has happened. However, at
the end of the day, Anthony is a grown man and makes his own decisions.
He will have to live with those choices and what they've turned into
and will further turn into, due to his involvement with Jay Z and
Anthony's family need to keep an eye on him. When boxers lose they
tend to go on a self-destructive downward spiral of depression,
drugs and alcohol, among other things (Frank Bruno, Tyson Fury,
Ricky Hatton, Mike Tyson and many others). Anthony is pretending he's alright
with the loss but he's not okay. To lose the belts under those circumstances,
with public mocking on social networking, and people in the
press scolding him over his loss, makes it that much more difficult.
The financial challenges it will breed are going to be very
difficult as well.
'I think he's finished... he let himself and the nation down':
Glenn McCrory believes Anthony Joshua's career is OVER after defeat
to Andy Ruiz Jr
Published: 08:51 EDT, 3 June 2019 | Updated: 19:11 EDT, 3 June
2019 - Glenn McCrory believes Anthony Joshua's heavyweight career may be
finished after he was stunned by Andy Ruiz Jr in New York. Ruiz shocked the boxing world over the weekend as he stripped
Joshua of his heavyweight titles at Madison Square Garden with a
seventh round stoppage.
Joshua was the huge favourite going into the fight but the
29-year-old triumphed against the odds by beating the Brit, who was
making his debut in the US. Anthony Joshua was stunned by Andy Ruiz Jr at Madison Square
Garden on Saturday night. Glenn McCrory has slammed Joshua for the nature of his defeat and
claimed his career is over.
Joshua was stunned by Ruiz Jr, who was a huge underdog after taking
the fight at short notice.
And following the fight, former IBF cruiserweight champion
McCrory slammed Joshua, claiming he let 'himself and the nation
down'. 'He's bottom of the pile. He got beaten up by Andy Ruiz,' McCrory
told talkSPORT. 'I think he's finished. It's not just the defeat, anybody can get
defeated, but the nature of it.
'Andy Ruiz is not an elite athlete, he is not a heavyweight
great. He will not go down in icons of legends at all but he is a
tough kid and he seized his opportunity. 'I have to say well done Andy Ruiz. Anthony Joshua let himself
and the nation down. 'If you take your eye off the ball then you lose. It's as simple
as that.'
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It
Jay Z Lied About Loaning Kanye West $20,000,000 And Continues To
Give Artists And Athletes Very Bad Advice That Is Causing