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Hollywood Revenue Streams Are Drying Up Under Billions In Losses Due To The Coronavirus Pandemic That Is Prompting Massive Changes

December 5. 2020


Hollywood has lost over $10 billion dollars this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The virus ripped the bottom out of the industry. As a result of the pandemic, tens of thousands of people in Hollywood have lost their jobs. Many companies are struggling to stay afloat. Some have already shutdown.

Warner Bros Pictures announced yesterday that it will be sending all its planned 2021 major film releases to streaming and at one time. I saw a quick rundown of the previews and the roughly 20 Warner Bros films are not good. It's a really weak line-up. Coupled with the pandemic, Warner Bros will lose several billion dollars next year. The pandemic has really been a game changer.

Warner Bros is following in the footsteps of Paramount Pictures, the studio behind the "Coming to America" sequel, in sending it straight to streaming. After 32-years of promising a big sequel to the original film, stolen from celebrated journalist Art Buchwald and grossing over $350,000,000 in ill-gotten gains, the movie is arriving with no fanfare (and a very weak script with a premise that strongly resembles that of the "Black Panther" movie).

The "Coming To America" sequel has been sold to streaming for $125,000,000, which means a massive loss of at least $300,000,000 to the movie studio, as they can't properly screen it in theatres during the pandemic in its biggest market, America. People simply aren't going to theatres like they used to in America, due to the pandemic that has gotten worse than ever in the nation.

Movie theatre owners are angry over these decisions, stating it will cost them business. Observers are also stating it could mean the end of movie theatres in America. People have been abstaining from going to movie theatres, as it is very difficult to social distance in such venues. This pandemic will mean the collapse of many Hollywood companies and a host of mergers in trying to salvage what they can of the industry.


Hollywood Continues To Decline Under The Coronavirus Pandemic With Disney Announcing The Layoffs Of 32,000 People

Hollywood Lays Off Thousands Of People As The Industry Falls Under The Coronavirus Pandemic



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