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Hillary Clinton Was Stunned Her Email Servers With Lax Security Were Being Hacked

May 15. 2019

Hillary Clinton 

Reports in the mainstream press reveal that former U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, expressed shock that she was the target of computer hacking. FBI files reveal Clinton and her immediate staff, who mishandled classified U.S. State Department files, housed on a private server with no security, in violation of government rules, were stunned at the computer intrusion.

However, I find this odd. They really can’t be this naïve. I am of the belief Clinton was so arrogant she thought no one would dare break into her computers, as she could have them destroyed. However, she did not anticipate it would be the Communist Bloc, who she can’t do much about without terrible fallout, as they are very formidable foes of the U.S. government.

Furthermore, Clinton has received hacked documents from other people’s computers, belonging to foreign governments and private citizens, some of whom are American. This has been commonplace regarding Clinton spying on others for years. Therefore, it should have occurred to her that the same could transpire regarding her computers. One would think Clinton would have been more savvy.

When you have certain government jobs you must assume people are attempting to scan your internet connection and computer to perform hacks. Even if you are not a government worker, you can still be targeted. Corporations, executives, scientists, hospitals and doctors, among others, are targets of computer and email hacking for financial profit.

If a person has information and or wealth, there are unscrupulous people in this world, who seek to access and criminally profit from it. There are some people in this world who would rather sit on their butts all day and steal, than earn their keep. Many of them are in the corporate sector.


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