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Hillary Clinton Takes Credit For The Popularity Of The MeToo Movement April 6. 2018
Hillary Clinton Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is taking credit for the popularity of the #MeToo movement, regarding women and men who are the victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape. Ironically, the movement began thanks to Clinton's close friend, Harvey Weinstein. For over 5-years I've exposed Weinstein on this site as a sexual deviant and financial fraudster. In October 2017, the New York Times, then New Yorker magazine did hard hitting articles exposing Weinstein's horrible attacks on women, interviewing some of his victims who decided to come forward. Even as the stories gained steam in the mainstream press, Clinton still remained silent. It took journalists shaming Clinton and the Obamas, regarding their close friend Weinstein, for them to finally denounce his terrible behavior (Barack Obama, Michelle Obama And Hillary Clinton Slammed For Their 'No Comment' On Harvey Weinstein Finally Issues Statements). Clinton is also known for hiring Colombo family mafia member, Anthony Pellicano, to criminally wiretap, burglarize, stalk and threaten women who spoke out about sexual affairs with her husband, Bill Clinton. Clinton hired Pellicano, a mafioso who has been accused of murder and arson, among other crimes, to terrorize, bully and blackmail defenseless female victims into silence. Then there's the disgusting case of Clinton defending a pedophile who raped a 12-year-old girl and getting the charges dismissed (Hillary Clinton Laughed While Getting Charges Dismissed Against 41-Year-Old Pedophile She Knew Was Guilty Of Raping A 12-Year-Old Girl ). Clinton's conduct in that case was shameful. Hillary even told the courtroom that the 12-year-old minor, was fantasizing about having sex with older men. Hillary had the gall to blame the victim - a kid. Yet, she likes to portray herself as a feminist and defender of women's rights. Nothing could be further from the truth. The curious thing about it all is the FBI has files on Hillary's criminal behavior that harmed innocent women. However, the agency is corrupt and is hiding it. Not to worry, there will be future items that hit the press and with proof, regarding Hillary's crimes against women and men. That Wonder Woman image Hillary is trying to push will be shattered in the press once and for all. STORY SOURCE Bitter Hillary fantasizes about ‘alternative reality’ where she’s president April 4, 2018 - Hillary Clinton thinks she deserves credit for “accelerating” the #MeToo movement through her humiliating loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Clinton visited the women-only club “The Wing” in New York City Tuesday to relive the election and offer excuses for her defeat, the latest stop in a years long tour to explain “What Happened” in 2016. “Someone at @the_wing just asked Hillary Clinton: ‘In an alternative reality, if you were president today in 2018, do you think the #MeToo movement would’ve still happened?’” a Twitter user posted Tuesday, along with a video of Clinton’s response. “I believe that it was a wave that was building and building and building,” Clinton said. “I think my losing probably accelerated that wave, but the wave was coming.” “I was just interviewed by Irish television about the Irish peace process that I was involved in and the Good Friday Accords, and they were saying how, unrelated to me and our elections and who our president is, they’re having that moment right now in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland,” she continued. “And there’s a referendum about loosening abortion restrictions in the Republic of Ireland, which is part of the overall wave I’m talking about – people saying women should not only speak and be heard, but laws need to change and this is not just an American phenomenon, this is a global one. “So yeah, I think it definitely would have happened.”... RELATED ARTICLES Harvey Weinstein Removed A Woman's Tampon And Sexually Assaulted Her During Her Period Via Oral Sex Harvey Weinstein's Fall From Grace As Sexual Harassment And Charity Fraud Claims Surface |
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