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Has Obama Failed?

November 11. 2010

Barack Obama 

Obama's beleaguered presidency received a terrible wake up call this month, via a pronounced flogging in the U.S. mid-term elections, where his fellow Democrats, were swept out of office and into the unemployment line. The American people rejected his political policies and those in league with him. 

President Obama had another agenda from day one. He tried to turn America into a socialist state and it failed something awful. A significant amount of damage has been done, via his socialist goal of printing up an endless supply of money, clearly not keeping in mind the nation has to pay for it.

Constant cash infusions of borrowed money on borrowed time, as added a ridiculous amount of debt to the national deficit. This was done in under two years, but it will take much longer than that to repair the damage. Two years will run off before you know it and then what.

Obama has been acting like it is the America of old, with a balanced budget, surpluses and relatively low unemployment, but he did not assume office after Clinton. Regrettably, Obama has made a bigger mess of the tsunami of debt former president, George W. Bush left behind.

Obama needs to cut the rhetoric and repetitive speeches. People are suffering and some difficult choices need to be made if America is to get back on track. He must stop trying to buy success and acceptance with taxpayer money, because it does not work. Only creates more debt.

Banks and other businesses are hoarding taxpayer bailout money that truly does not belong to them, as it was meant to be injected into the national economy. While there are others in the corporate sector that continue to criminally steal from others in conduct the Obama Administration has failed to stop. Once again, has Obama failed?


GDP Data Shows The Recovery Failed

Obama Refuses To Own Up To Election Failures



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