Harvey Weinstein Criminally
Investigating, Bribing And Blackmailing Government Officials In
Attempts At Getting Out Of Rape And Sexual Assault Charges
December 7. 2018

Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein has been running a criminal
enterprise out of Hollywood for many years, in a scandal the
Judiciary Report broke first 6-years ago (here
here and
here and
here). He has engaged in criminal copyright
infringement, charity fraud and worst of all rape and sexual assault
against women.
Over 100 famous and non-famous women have come
forward stating Weinstein raped, sexually assaulted and or harassed
them. Last year he was exposed as having many people under criminal
surveillance by private investigators who have been breaking the
law. He is a sick man who is intent on invading the privacy and
security of others.
Previously, I formally reported Weinstein’s cult,
the Kabbalah Center, to the New York Attorney General, Eliot
Spitzer. I went public with the story on this site as well,
regarding a complaint being filed with Spitzer. Shortly after,
Spitzer was exposed in a strange scandal regarding sexual relations
with an escort. It cost him his job and reputation.
Fast-forward a few years to 2018 and New York
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, filed a formal lawsuit against
Weinstein on behalf of the State, regarding serious civil rights
violations he perversely committed against a number of women. The
allegations include sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape and
threats of violence and loss of employment if they did not bend to
his sick, illegal demands (Harvey Weinstein Sued By The State Of New York Attorney
General For Committing Civil Rights Violations).
Shortly after the case was filed against him by
Schneiderman, degenerate Weinstein began criminally investigating
the Attorney General him through criminal means, using private
investigators who have been once again breaking the law, in search
of something to blackmail and smear him with, to get out of the
massive civil rights lawsuit. He got women to come forward and speak
out against Schneiderman, who resigned. This establishes a pattern
of criminal behavior, regarding attempting to bribe and or blackmail
private citizens and government officials who do not acquiesce to
Weinstein and Kabbalah’s criminal demands.
Previously, before the scandal burst regarding
Weinstein’s criminal acts of rape and sexual assault, the New York
District Attorney,
Cyrus Vance, declined to bring charges against
Weinstein, despite the fact the
New York Police Department found and presented
credible evidence that he has been sexually assaulting, harassing
and raping women, because Weinstein donated $10,000 to Vance’s
reelection campaign.
A vile thug, rapist and thief should not be able to
engage in such flagrant criminal violations of the law and be
permitted to resort to criminal blackmail attempts and smear
campaigns against government officials. It is absolutely abhorrent,
arrogant and disgraceful. It sets a horrible precedent. Who does
that scumbag criminal Weinstein think he is to be targeting,
blackmailing and smearing government officials. His conduct is so
evil and contemptible. He is a disgrace. He is one of the most
pathetic excuses for a human being I have ever seen.
America is a nation built on laws. Yet this arrogant
scum has the unmitigated gall to think he is above the law and so
much so he is allowed to target government officials. Once again,
who does he think he is! What kind of trash is he! Exactly what did
his mother give birth to that he thinks he can commit these
reprehensible human rights abuses, engage in witness intimidation
against innocent victims of crime and bribe and blackmail government
officials. He should be prosecuted for that as well. He is
He’s going to cross the wrong person one of these
days and all his dirt is going to end up in the public domain and to
the point the will beg the government to hide him in prison from
public disgust at the sick things he’s done to innocent people.
Harvey Weinstein Disgustingly Raped Defenseless Actress
Annabella Sciorra And Aggressively Pursued Daryl Hannah In A
Predatory Manner Outside Her Hotel Room
Harvey Weinstein Has Been Envious Of The Good Looking Actors He
Worked With And Forcefully Sought The Same Female Attention For
Himself (Video)
Harvey Weinstein’s Fellow Kabbalah Cult Member Luc Besson Under Criminal
Investigation For Drugging And Raping A Young Woman
Barack Obama, Michelle Obama And Hillary Clinton Slammed For
Their 'No Comment' On Harvey Weinstein Finally Issues Statements
Model Speaks Of The Industry Ostracism She Faced After Going
To The Police Regarding Harvey Weinstein Sexually Assaulting
Harvey Weinstein
Is Facing Life In Prison With New Criminal Charges Added To The Existing
Indictment Against Him For Rape
The Repeated Denials Of Harvey Weinstein Regarding Sexual Assault And
Rape Charges Goes Against The Evidence
Harvey Weinstein Removed A Woman's Tampon And Sexually Assaulted
Her During Her Period Via Oral Sex
Harvey Weinstein Sued By The State Of New York Attorney
General For Committing Civil Rights Violations
Harvey Weinstein Sexually Targeted Malia Obama When She Worked For Him
At The Weinstein Company
Harvey Weinstein Arrested And Perp Walked In New York For Rape And
Sexual Assault Crimes (Video)
Harvey Weinstein Psychotically Smiles While Arraigned On Second Set Of
Rape Charges
1 Of 6 Charges Against Harvey Weinstein Dropped But He Is Still Facing
Life In Prison
Harvey Weinstein Caught On Camera Groping Victim He Raped Hours Later