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Government Fighting Over Taxes

December 11. 2010

Video: Pelosi, House Democrats Balk at Tax Cuts Deal, Seek Changes 

The Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Congress continue fighting over taxes and it is creating a terrible backlash against President Barack Obama. He has compromised with Republicans, in granting tax cuts for the rich, at a time the country needs the revenue the most. 

President Obama did so in an effort to continue providing unemployment benefits to America's jobless, in what was essentially a trade off. The Judiciary Report is a conservative site, but at the end of the day, on the side of justice, on a case by case basis. As such, the Republicans, who are usually the conservatives, should not have held out for tax cuts to benefit the rich, at the expense of the nation.

The Judiciary Report is of the view, both Republicans and Democrats are living in a dream world regarding national debt and what it is going to breed for America in the near future. 

In light of the financial crisis of 2008, which the White House and Congress have failed to stem, the rich do not deserve tax breaks, as many of the nation's wealthiest citizens are sitting on engorged bank accounts that came from sheer robbery, corruption, theft, fraud and gouging. It's time to repatriate that stolen money.

And if you think that's too difficult to do as elected representatives, just envision an America with widespread poverty, no federal government, due to lack of funds, a drastically reduced military and greatly diminished international prowess. All that, so two percent of the nation can live like kings and queens off ill-gotten gains. Once again, you need to tax the rich to a greater degree.


Democrats: "F**k The President"



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