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George Zimmerman Shot At And Injured On Florida Highway After Pulling A Gun On Another Motorist (Video) George Zimmerman Engages In Road Rage Again! May 12. 2015
George Zimmerman, 31, the killer who was unjustly acquitted in the murder of unarmed 17-year-old black boy, Trayvon Martin, was shot at and injured on a Florida highway in the city of Lake Mary, after pulling a gun on another motorist. Zimmerman, known for violent confrontations that left his girlfriend battered, father-in-law with a broken nose and a police officer injured, engaged in road rage bullying another man. Local man, Matthew Apperson, 35, shot at Zimmerman after he pulled a gun on him, breaking the glass of the child killer's SUV, leaving him with cuts to his face. Zimmerman flagged down a police officer, who called an ambulance. Zimmerman has been targeting Apperson since last September and looking for the opportunity to attack him. Last year Apperson appeared on the news after Zimmerman targeted and threatened to kill him in an unprovoked incident of road rage, "Zimmerman said he was going to shoot me dead." Apperson's attorney Mark NeJame stated his client acted in self-defense, as Zimmerman pointed a gun at him first. As stated on the Judiciary Report in 2012, Zimmerman is a stalker (George Zimmerman Fits The Profile Of A Stalker). He stalked and murdered Trayvon Martin. Now he is stalking Apperson with the intent to harm and kill him. How did Zimmerman manage to find this man again, after following his car last year, trying to clip the vehicle with his SUV and threatening to shoot Apperson. He is a stalker. George Zimmerman in 2013 in court on felony assault charges Since murdering Martin, Zimmerman has been terrorizing the streets and highways of Florida, arrogantly parading around the state bullying people and provoking confrontations, believing himself invincible. After he was caught engaging in reckless driving and speeding, Zimmerman bragged to a police officer, "Don't you know who I am." Anyone with basic commonsense should be able to deduce what the Judiciary Report previously wrote about Zimmerman - he is a psychopath. Sane civilians don't patrol around the streets pulling guns on people. Zimmerman keeps doing this - even threatening family and friends with weapons. This is not normal or acceptable human behavior. He needs to be locked away for public safety. The Judiciary Report previously prophetically warned members of the public in 2012, who have placed their faith in Zimmerman that he is "an individual looking for trouble anywhere they can find it" (More Evidence Piling Up Against George Zimmerman In The Murder Of Trayvon Martin) and he has since repeatedly proven the site right with high profile incidents of violence, such as stalking the aforementioned Apperson twice and attacking his wife and father-in-law, breaking his nose and pulling a gun threatening to shoot them and beating and choking his girlfriend. It has been one violent incident after another at the hands of a man who should not be free. Look what he is doing with his freedom - roaming the streets looking for trouble. STORY SOURCE George Zimmerman suffers minor injuries in shooting incident, police say UPDATED 11:01 PM EDT May 11, 2015 - George Zimmerman suffered minor injuries in a shooting incident in Lake Mary on Monday afternoon, according to Lake Mary police. The shooting involving Zimmerman and a man identified as Matthew Apperson, of Seminole County, occurred on Lake Mary Boulevard about 12:45 p.m., police said. Zimmerman flagged down an officer shortly after the incident, police said. “At this time, the investigation has proven that George Zimmerman was not the shooter,” Lake Mary Police Department spokeswoman Bianca Gillette said. Zimmerman was hit in the face with glass and debris and has since been released from Central Florida Regional Hospital, according to police. “He walked normally into the ambulance, so he wasn’t being helped or nothing,” said witness Ricardo Berrare. "They actually backed up the ambulance next to his driver side so he could walk into the door."... Kenneth Cornell, who works at the nearby Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, said Apperson ran up to him about 1 p.m. saying he had just shot George Zimmerman. Cornell said he called 911 and handed the phone over to Apperson. “He said it was a road rage incident, that they were driving down the street and George pulled a gun on him,” Cornell said...Lake Mary police said Zimmerman and Apperson have an ongoing dispute and were involved in an altercation in September, when Apperson accused Zimmerman of trying to kill him while on the road... RELATED ARTICLES Angry Mob In Miami Chase George Zimmerman Who Was Vacationing In Trayvon Martin's Hometown |
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