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George W. Bush: "Dancing On The Stars"

November 22. 2010

George W. Bush

The king of mispronunciation and misinformation, former President, George W. Bush, is at it again. When asked if he is a better dancer than the current U.S. President, he stated Barack Obama is the better dancer. He then went on to pull one of his usual gaffes by stating, one of his daughters thinks he will never be on "Dancing On The Stars."  I am of the belief he is the one that got the title wrong. The show is called "Dancing With The Stars."

Past President Bush gaffes include, referring to the worldwide web as "The Internets" Google as "The Google" and pulling the word "misunderestimate" out of nowhere. Now we have "Dancing On The Stars." Think about it, now who would really dance ON a star, Mr. Misunderestimate.


Political Circus: Bush a better dancer than Obama?

November 19, 2010 - Former President George W. Bush appeared on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" for the first time in 10 years Thursday night. Leno, who joked that Bush provided him with a decade's worth of material, asked the former president who is the better dancer -- him or President Obama. Bush's verdict: "President Obama."

As for his own dancing? "I did that, and one of my girls called and said, 'No wonder you're not dancing on the stars,' " he said in an apparent reference to "Dancing With the Stars."




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