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George Soros And His Son Alex Soros Are Inciting Hatred In Acts That Could Turn Violent

June 23. 2023

Alex Soros

Billionaire George Soros has become infamous in America for meddling in politics. He has been training his son, Alex Soros, to do the same. It is highly inappropriate that any unelected individual should be this ensconced in politics and the actual decisions being made in the running the country. It is corrupt and criminal.

Recently, Alex Soros threw out an ill-advised threat to conservatives. Alex is threatening to "eradicate conservatives from the internet" which is a violation of the Constitution regarding free speech and free press. Soros stated, "I’m way more political. I’m way more political. As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it, too."

George Soros

America is in danger of civil war (Historians Advise Joe Biden America Is Headed For Civil War Confirming Previous Site Claims). The nation does not need anyone inciting and inflaming any segment of the population. If a civil war broke out the Soros, Murdochs and Bill Gates would be the first ones running for cover...yet they have the biggest mouths and are doing so much damage.

Stop provoking the public with your speech and actions. Stop trying to silence others. Stop threatening to wipe people out, lest they react violently. Learn to respect the law and keep the peace.


Alex Soros Vows To Eradicate Conservatives From the Internet: “I’m 100 Times Worse Than My Dad”

June 12, 2023 - Alex Soros vows to completely eradicate conservatives from the internet. Alex Soros has vowed to censor conservatives and independent journalists online “100 times more aggressively” than his father George Soros.

Following news that far-left billionaire George Soros handed full control over his $25 billion empire to his son, Alex laid out his despotic vision for the future of the internet in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

“I’m way more political,” Alex Soros said, comparing himself to his radical father. “As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it, too,” he admitted.

Slaynews.com reports: Soros-funded political action committees have become a major factor in American elections. George Soros has been the Democratic Party’s largest donor in recent U.S. elections and his funding of smaller local prosecutor races has allowed his to seize control of America’s justice system...




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