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Gas Hitting A Record $7.50 Per Gallon In America Is Another Indicator President Joe Biden Has Failed In His Handling Of The Economy

May 23. 2022

Gas station in America

President Joe Biden's horrible mismanagement of the U.S. economy continues. There are places in America where gas has hit a record $7.50 per gallon. People are astonished at the development. It is surreal to see this in America.

This is who some thought would save America

In a time where food and rent prices have reached record highs in America, leading to bankruptcy and in some cases homelessness, gas now doing the same is a massive insult to injury, from a president who vowed to lighten the financial hardships of Americans.

Biden inflation is the worst in U.S. history. America has hit so much unprecedented failure under this man.

Biden promised free college and daycare, along with better wages and a lower cost of living. However, Biden has given America the exact opposite. This is really bad. I know politicians lie, but this took the cake.


In these locations, a gallon of gas costs more than the federal minimum wage

May 23, 2022 / 2:23 PM - Motorists across the U.S. are grappling with gasoline prices that are reaching new records almost daily, but the pain isn't evenly distributed across the nation. Take the handful of locations where a gallon of regular fuel now costs as much as the federal minimum wage of $7.25.

It's a painful threshold that prices at the pump have reached at nine stations — all in California, according to GasBuddy's Patrick De Haan, an expert on oil and gas prices. Granted, the minimum wage in California is far above the federal minimum wage, with workers in the state earning at least $14 an hour, but paying $7.25 a gallon or more still takes a chunk out of the typical paycheck...


Will surging gas prices put a U-turn on a return to the office?

As the impacts of COVID-19 continue to wane, some companies are looking to bring back employees who have been working remotely.

PUBLISHED: March 21, 2022 at 5:14 a.m. | UPDATED: March 21, 2022 at 5:16 a.m. Lockdowns, masks, paycuts, layoffs … gas prices. California workers have faced myriad pandemic-related pivots over the past two years, forever altering their mindset and workflow.

Add rising gas prices to the list of challenges. As average gas prices near $6 a gallon, companies are facing a new headache: Will the cost of the commute delay in a return to the office?

Record-high gas prices have added another reason to continue working from home. And when that remote-work option disappears, some employees are quitting and seeking new remote jobs, said Sarah Grimstead, a regional vice president with national human resources provider Insperity.

With California prices surging — and in some cases topping $6 a gallon — most employees who have been working from home aren’t anxious to return to the daily grind of freeway gridlock...




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